I’m still scratching my head after having read this:

U.S. military hackers have penetrated Russia’s electric grid, telecommunications networks and the Kremlin’s command systems, making them vulnerable to attack by secret American cyber weapons should the U.S. deem it necessary, according to a senior intelligence official and top-secret documents reviewed by NBC News.

Essentially, the Americans just stated that they had committed an act of war against Russia. Sure enough, the Russians are asking them if they heard it well:

Russia expects Washington to provide an explanation after a report claimed that Pentagon cyber-offensive specialists have hacked into Russia’s power grids, telecommunications networks, and the Kremlin’s command systems for a possible sabotage.

One possible explanation is that’s all for domestic consumption, both the allegations that the Russians are interfering with their elections and the assurances that they have a response ready. Both claims might be completely false.

However. What the actual fuck? If they actually have something implanted in the Russian infrastructure, good fucking job telling the Russians so that they can fix it. But having in mind what a bad idea that would be, it probably means it’s all a bluff and they don’t have anything, in which case a) their ever declining credibility just hit rock bottom and b) the Russians were told that they are now fully justified in taking countermeasures against America.

So yeah. Those people have just enough more brain cells than chickens so that they don’t shit on the lawn uncontrollably.