Why are we still here?

This part of the comment section needs to be made into an article of its own:

“Since S.K. has been dead for a while why is existence of this place being prolonged?”

Because the contractually agreed time has not yet expired. Sanat Kumar’s life is in no way bound to the existence of this place; it’s maintained by the Jewel, according to the will of God expressed in the original contract. Believe me, I tried to shut it down in so many ways. For instance, I tried to revoke the contract by stating that his permissions were authorised on fraudulent grounds, meaning that he didn’t intend to do what he stated, but this argument was not accepted since Sentinel was aware of his intent and nature and approved the contract regardless, and since he had authority given to him by God, none can dispute it.
I also tried to revoke the contract, based upon the premise that since all original “signatories” are dead, it ought to be dissolved. This was also rejected, based upon the fact that the authority of the contract stems from the word of God, and not from either of the signatories.
Furthermore, I tried to argue that the foremost principle beneath anything is not the word of God, but dharma, meaning alignment with the inner nature of God, and this entire thing is fundamentally adharmic and should be dissolved on the grounds where things that are inherently opposed to the nature of God should not be allowed to exist. This was also rejected on grounds that although God in His nature of sat-cit-ananda is indeed the supreme principle upon which everything is to be built lest it crumble into non-being, existence of things opposed to God is not forbidden; it is just a bad idea and very much discouraged, because it can lead to terrible disasters such as this one. The terrible consequences, however, will not be denied to those who choose against God, and saving them would invalidate choice and freedom which are inherent to the nature of the soul. So, albeit this place is indeed a terrible nightmare opposed to God to the point where it would simply not exist were it even a bit worse, its existence is temporarily allowed, because eternity in God, salvation and blissful fulfilment are not obligatory, nor can they be imposed. This implies that terrible suffering, perdition and ruin are a viable alternative and can be chosen.
I used other arguments as well, but I was essentially told that God was smart enough to limit the existence of this dark pit of doom by imposing a termination date, and many other measures were put in place in order to assure orderly termination with the least possible amount of harm, and foremost of those measures is my incarnation here.

As a post scriptum, there’s something I’d like to add.

This is not a fucking game. God is not your daddy. There is no safety net. Nobody is going to undo your bad choices to reset the situation if you really badly fuck up. The consequences are real. Yes, this world is not ultimately real; it’s a virtual reality, or a simulation, or a holodeck, whatever you want to call it, but there’s one misconception I’d like to dispel. There’s a sanskrit word lila, which is usually translated as either game or pastime. Some religious schools like to say that this world is lila, God’s game or something. The implication is that you’re safe, it’s only a game, everything gets reset to the initial state afterwards, doesn’t matter what you do or what is done to you, it ultimately doesn’t matter.

This is completely and utterly wrong. Everything you do here absolutely matters, and it will determine the nature of your soul and your destiny. You can die here, permanently, without possibility of rebirth; your soul can be destroyed and absorbed into this place, and used as bait to attract other fools, and energy to power its binding mechanisms. You can commit sins here that will cripple your soul or destroy it outright. You can also become spiritually stronger and attain higher initiation, perhaps faster than anywhere else, and this is the bait Sanat Kumar used to attract souls here. The promise of evolution is real. However, what he didn’t say is that the price for that is extreme spiritual hazard. You can get destroyed here much faster and easier than anywhere else. You can commit terrible sin here easier than anywhere else. Also, the probability of spiritual achievement is very slim, while the probability of death and perdition is exceedingly great. You can argue that this is a game, but it’s a game where you can shoot with live ammunition at your family and friends while being deluded into thinking you’re using blanks and paintballs. Actual souls are getting butchered here. I’ve seen their parts recycled into the system. It’s not a theory to me.

You are having your memory suppressed, and you are having your spiritual insight suppressed. This means you essentially don’t know what you’re doing here. Think very carefully about this, because it means you can be deluded into committing acts you would otherwise never do, and the consequences will be both real and devastating. It means you can sin against God while thinking you’re serving Him. You might not survive this fact once you’re out and you see what you’ve done. Case in point people who spat at Jesus and ridiculed him. They thought they did a good or harmless thing, turned out they were fucked. Think they could forgive themselves “because they knew not what they were doing”? Yeah, as much as you could forgive yourself for killing a family member because you thought they were a burglar. You didn’t know what you were doing, but tough shit, you didn’t care to check, you’re fucked.

This is a virtual world. It’s not a game. Souls die here. We are all in mortal danger until it permanently ends, and even then the consequences will persist.