
One could rightfully ask why the hell am I buying almost 6000 € of photographic equipment, on top of 2000 € of stuff I’ve already bought recently, if I expect serious disasters that will end the world as we know it.

One could ask with equal right why I’m mowing my lawn, or brushing my teeth, or servicing the car. It all assumes the kind of continuity I don’t, in fact, believe in. However, I don’t know the timing, which means I have to behave as if the things are going to outlive me, and on the other hand be ready to leave today if God calls. This means that I function in a way that is both detached, and involved. I’m performing all kinds of duties on a daily basis, and yet I’m ready to leave every single second.

The reason why I ordered the equipment is actually detached from any expectation to use it; I merely decided to pay respect to my photographic art and skill. It is more of a sacrificial offering than anything else, because in this world one needs to support things that he sees as valuable, because what you don’t support dies of neglect by default. So, it’s a matter of philosophical consistency, rather than some investment in the future or what not. No; rather, it’s a respect to what is and was. Biljana got new stuff for the same reason. It is important to pay respect to that which is good and valuable, the same way it’s important to keep uprooting the weeds.