The hell for evil souls after death consists of looking at the truth.
Interestingly, the heaven for good souls consists of the same thing.
The hell for evil souls after death consists of looking at the truth.
Interestingly, the heaven for good souls consists of the same thing.
Israel now has a problem.
The problem consists of being surrounded by Arabs who basically weaponised reproduction; every child they create is a weapon against Israel. If you take a look at the map of the Middle East, it’s a sea of “green” surrounding a speck of “blue”, and this sea of green can’t stand the existence of this tiny blue speck.
If they do nothing radical, America their protector will eventually lose global supremacy and they will suffer the fate of those Jews who recently crossed paths with the Hamas insurgents; their bloody corpses will be dragged across streets while the Arabs chant “Allah-u-akbar”.
However, if they act to solve their problem, and really solve it, they will have to resort to genocide; basically, kill and/or sterilize all Arabs in the region, and keep the survivors from ever having any serious power.
What I’m asking myself is, at which point will they understand and forgive the Germans? Basically, “Oh, so this was the position they thought they were in regarding us, because our Zionist leaders made a deal with the British to use their influence in the USA in order to bring them into WW1 on the British side, and in turn get the title to Palestine, which the Germans saw as a grave betrayal and evidence that we are an implacable foe hiding in their midst, conspiring against their vital interests in order to realize our own goals? And they decided that the only way for them to emancipate themselves and truly survive was to get rid of us; they wanted to exile us first, but nobody wanted to take us, so they eventually decided to just kill us all. And this is exactly the choice we now have with the Palestinians – we’d prefer to exile them to the Arab countries, but nobody wants them, so the choice is to either be subjugated, killed, or kill them to the last child.”
Do the Jews have enough introspection to even realize the nature of the situation, or do they think that German genocide of the Jews was wrong because it was a genocide of the Jews, and not because it was genocide? Do they actually think that only their lives matter, and the others are merely NPCs on the playground that is rightfully theirs?
I deliberately omitted the third option: to learn to live in peace with the Muslims, because that somehow never works in the long run, because the Muslims are never content if they are not in total power, and others are not subjugated, enslaved or killed, because they see this as their religious mandate, and anything else is a crime against Allah. The fact that the Muslim states have such a problem recognizing Israel as the only non-Muslim state in the Middle East, and in its historic borders, speaks volumes. I don’t think peace with the Muslims is ever a realistic option. The Hindus thought they have it, and suddenly they learned otherwise, in the epic slaughter when India gained independence and then broke into three countries after enormous religious genocide. I think anyone who thinks they can live in peace with Muslims is deluding themselves, and that includes Russia, which made a pact with this devil which will end very badly. I’m not saying peace with the Muslims is impossible, if you’re more powerful, and you never allow a Muslim minority within your borders. However, any Muslim minority will see it as their mandate to weaponise reproduction and basically do what the Albanians did to the Serbs in Kosovo – reproduce exponentially until you’re the majority, and then take over the country and reduce the non-Muslims to second-rate citizens, who need to be constantly reminded that they are worth less than a Muslim. Yes, the Jews can choose to live this way, if they choose peace – live as slaves and second-rate citizens, pay jizya and be slapped in the face for it, to remember you’re subjugated by Muslims, and pray to God for eventual deliverance… or they can concede that Hitler was justified in his actions.
There’s another option, of course – the Muslims can reject their false religion and convert to Christianity or Buddhism, and the entire problem would instantly cease to exist, because the Christians would have no issues with Jews having their own state, as long as they had access to their holy sites there. However, can you just imagine the improbability of this outcome?
I was thinking about the Israel situation where everybody seems to be taking sides, so let me try to summarise my perspective.
I see people complaining about Israel making Gaza into essentially an open-air prison, and they are formally true: Gaza is a prison inhabited by the Arabs, where exits are managed by the Israelis. However, what people don’t get is that the Arabs wanted it that way. It was a choice. I saw it happen in real-time, when there were serious negotiations where Israel was ready to give Palestinians statehood, but the very fact of signing such a document would mean that they recognize Israel’s right to exist, and they didn’t want to do that. Their position is that Israel as a state should not exist, the Jews have no right to exist there, and they will fight to the last man, woman and child to make sure that Israel is destroyed and all Jews are either exiled or killed. Also, there is absolutely no political support among the Arabs for any kind of a peace with Israel; if one political party showed readiness for it, the others would kill them. Also, they don’t know what to do other than wage perpetual war against Israel; if by some chance peace broke out, they would be ruined.
So, the Jews decided that the other side is unable to sign a true peace deal and they basically contained them in an open-air prison. They can “leave” at any point by signing a peace deal whereby they recognize Israel’s right to exist; they would get statehood and international recognition, and their situation would start improving. Instead, they indoctrinate their children with anti-Israeli hatred propaganda, and the children indoctrinated in the 2000s are the Hamas militants killing the Jews now. They will never accept peace because they believe that their entire reason to exist is to destroy Israel and kill Jews.
Both sides believe in some kind of a non-transcendental religion that’s very political; they think God is on their side and gave them the right to rule the world, and if anyone stands in the way of that, he opposes God’s will. They hate, despise and dehumanise the other side and think genocide is a perfectly ok thing to do, if they are the ones doing it. The Jews have America on their side, the Palestinians have all other Muslims with their oil money on their side.
Strategically speaking, the Jews made a mistake moving to Palestine and forming the country of Israel. It places them on a very poor, exposed piece of real estate, with not much to gain and everything to lose. It also places them in a strategic position where they have to make so many other players experience a catastrophic strategic loss, in order to merely survive. Any kind of balance they attain will be precarious. However, since they already invested so much in this project, it makes them think that they have no alternative to success, which makes them desperate and prone to extreme moves.
I am not inclined to moralize based on the modern ethics based on the so called “human rights” and their “violations”. It’s not how I think. I think from the position of trying to see which side embodies transcendence and transcendental virtues based on God. That which is not based on the firm rock of God will perish and is not worthy of existence. So, which side is closer to God? From what I can see, it’s all a battle for this world, and who has the right to control which portion of it, and each side claims some right originating from God, and I see no truth behind any of it. Essentially, even Josephus Flavius conceded that God is with the Romans and against the Jews, that God’s wrath was against them and their claim to Palestine was forfeit, so any claim based on the Bible is silly – God gave, God took away. As for the Arabs, they call themselves Palestinians but that is a falsehood, because they are essentially conquerors and migrants originating from Arabia. They have no claim to this land other than having come there at some point. All those claims to divine right are hubris and materialism thinly covered with fake mysticism, and I accept none of it.
The entire conflict is a very cruel interaction of two tribal entities, both cruel, arrogant and prideful.
Of those two, I prefer the Jews, because unlike the Arabs, they actually have a tendency of doing good and useful things, at least some of them. They have science, technology and the economy, and I sympathise with their predicament, especially since they would want nothing better than to just have peace so that they could do good and useful things with a sense of security. As for the Arabs, their position of preferring perpetual war and murder to any kind of a peaceful compromise makes them completely unlikeable, and I cannot force myself to give a fuck about them whatsoever. They could have solved this situation ten times already and chose not to, because they plan to eventually solve it by means of genocide, if they just endure long enough. Their argument, that this was their land first, is nonsense, because their claim is based on nothing more than just finding a vacant desert after the Jews have been exiled, and starting to live there. They could have accepted a rational compromise whereby both sides get part of the land and cooperate peacefully, but no, there needs to be genocide of the Jews in order for the Arabs to be happy with the outcome.
This being the reality of the situation, I seriously can’t pity them if their arrogance meets something even harder.
My analysis is based on the following assumptions:
– Israel uses the USA to protect itself, however this has limits and is most effective if Israel is in an actual and acute danger. The limits of this were shown when Netanyahu was trying to convince the Americans that Iran is “this close” to having atomic weapons, and everybody was “naah, not convinced, but nice try Bibi, have a nice day now”.
– In case America disappeared from the world scene (for instance, due to financial collapse that would make it unable to project military power for decades) Israel would find itself in immediate danger of being destroyed by the neighbouring Arab countries and Iran.
– Israel’s approach to this problem includes efforts to divide Iran from the Arab countries, and Arab countries among themselves, in order to prevent the situation where all their enemies present a united front. Also, keeping the world in perpetual dependence of the American financial system makes the situation where any oil-producing country risks American sanctions a very good weapon of deterrence.
– Recently, however, the entire fiat currency system has been showing signs that usually indicate imminent collapse, due to American abuse of the system to sanction rival powers under every silly excuse. Also, the fact that America has been exporting its own inflation and financing their prosperity by exporting misery to the rest of the world has not been unnoticed, and the BRICS countries are very close to completely leaving the dollar-based financial system and migrating to something of their own design.
– Furthermore, China and Russia managed to broker peace in Yemen and peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia, mostly because Saudi Arabia has been pressured, blackmailed and abused by America one too many times and decided to seek refuge in the BRICS system, along with Iran, and they decided that they both have more issues with America than with each other. This is a very dangerous thing for Israel.
– Israel is having a problem with their own younger generations, who don’t understand the precarious position their country is in.
– Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, is accused of corruption and if he leaves office, he is likely to go straight to jail. He is therefore highly motivated, for personal reasons, to cook up a serious war that would make it possible for him to avoid unpleasant personal outcomes. It just happens that the international situation of Israel is as dire as his own, and their high political, intelligence and military circles must be aware of this, and willing to cooperate with him in order to cook up a situation that will pre-empt the natural and highly probable outcome for Israel in case no aggressive action is taken.
– America needs a precedent where nuclear weapons are used in war, but they don’t want to do it first; they just want a green light for their own use, either in response or according to a precedent. So far, Russia proved resistant to being goaded into first use, which is seen by the Americans as a nuisance and an aggravation.
So, what does Israel want? They want America to destroy the enemy states that surround them, most importantly Iran, because everything else is either already degraded, or is merely a gas station masquerading as a country (talking about Saudi Arabia and the Emirates here) without any industrial capacity. Also, they want all of their potential enemies degraded to the point of not being able to threaten Israel. They are not threatened by goat herders with AK47s.
The most straightforward way to achieve those goals is to wait for Iran to organize one of those inevitable attacks they are always planning, via their sock-puppets Hamas and Hezbollah. This attack must be allowed to succeed, at least to the point where it creates a legitimate threat, but not to the point where the actual existence of the state is at risk. Israel will then be seen as justified in taking revenge upon the perpetrators, but as this revenge becomes severe enough, Iran will act to protect its assets in the region, and Israel will declare war upon it. America will become involved, of course, but will try to no get into an open war with Iran; they just want to protect Israel from unmanageable consequences. As situation in Israel gets worse, they will nuke Iran, and possibly also the Hezbollah central in Lebanon. America will use its international influence to present this as legitimate self-defence, and in order for this to look credible, it would be helpful if Iran sunk an American aircraft carrier, hopefully the new one that’s been plagued with issues and is a failure anyway. Once the precedent of using nuclear weapons “for defensive purposes” has been established, further nuclear escalation will ensue.
I can’t quantitatively assess probability of this course of action at this moment, but I believe it is not less than 30% or more than 70%. This means there’s a good chance for a more moderate outcome, but still a quite high likelihood of things getting really bad really quickly. My personal feeling says this is very serious and not business as usual.
Probability of oil prices going up is almost 100%.
Probability of a refugee crisis in Europe is over 90%.
Probability of nuclear weapons being used in the following year is over 60%.
Probability of a great economic collapse of the West in the following year is 50%, almost 100% in 5 years.
Probability of the West losing the ability to control the price of gold is very similar to the probability of the great economic collapse of the West.
Probability of a great supply-side collapse in Europe in the following year is over 50%.
My recommendations remain unchanged from before, because the specific events might be unexpected, but the entire situation was predictable.
I keep hearing people talking about conspiracies, and they are obviously something they are fond of – they give the powerless the illusion of having power, in a sense of at least understanding what’s going on in the world. However, since their reasoning power and understanding of the world are usually poor, the “conspiracies” they come up with are invariably false. No, the Earth is not flat, and people really did land on the Moon, and two planes did indeed crash into the WTC. However, there are some conspiracies that turn out to be true – covid is an American bioweapon, for instance. America blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. Some “conspiracy theories” are branded as such probably only because the official history is counterfeit for political reasons.
However, I think people have a fundamentally mistaken view of conspiracies. They think the conspirators must be some powerful elites, the invisible secret societies that pull the strings of history, and it’s either the Illuminati, or the Templars, or the Freemasons, or the Jews. They think the conspirators manipulate the events to their benefit, and to the detriment of others. I think this view is fundamentally mistaken.
Yes, there are conspiracies and conspirators. They do make plans and execute them. They frequently manage to do great harm and change the course of history. However, even when their plans are successful, I don’t think they fundamentally change the conspirators’ strategic position.
I will cite two examples – the assassination of Julius Caesar and Lenin’s revolutionary movement. The conspirators against Caesar wanted to stop Caesar from concentrating power in his person. They succeeded and Caesar was killed. The civil war ensued, and ended when Octavian, the ultimate winner, proclaimed himself emperor and concentrated all the power of the state in his person. Caesar was killed, lots of other people were killed, and nothing strategically changed for the Roman state, because concentration of power in the Emperor was actually the logical solution for the problem of the state’s fragmentation of power at that point, which Marius, Sulla, Caesar and ultimately Octavian merely had taken advantage of and solved.
Lenin’s success in spreading the communist propaganda in the Russian empire was the result of a conspiracy of the German political leadership to finance Lenin, whom they saw as a disruptive element that would destabilise Russia and make it exit the war. They gave him tens of millions of marks, which was sufficient to finance the huge and ultimately successful propaganda effort. The conspiracy was successful, and Russia surrendered and exited the war, had a terrible internecine civil war, and its historic progress was degraded. However, none of this helped Germany – it still lost the war, had a terrible period of poverty that caused the meteoric rise of Hitler, which caused the second world war and Germany’s ultimate destruction by the hand of those very Russian communists they helped create.
Basically, what we see are two examples of conspiracies that are a tactical success and a strategic failure – they accomplished the immediate goal, but failed to achieve the actual goal.
What does this tell us? First of all, it tells us that people are mistaken in their view that great historic trends can be changed by influencing one thing – for instance, if you killed Hitler in time, there would be no WW2. This is the mistake the Caesar’s assassins made, thinking their problem was Caesar, and all they did was get themselves eliminated, get a lot of people killed, and promote Octavian to Caesar. If you killed Hitler, the problems that made him rise to power would make someone else rise to power, and that one might not have had Hitler’s weaknesses, making the problem potentially worse. What we see is that conspirators are often successful, but short-sighted, and with a flawed understanding of the issues at hand. They are not some all-powerful, all-knowing cabal ruling mankind from the shadows; they are just men with flawed understanding, who use their power to succeed tactically, get many people killed and often cause terrible suffering for many more, and still fail to accomplish their actual goal.
An example of this are the Jews, with their Zionist efforts. Every single move they made seems to have been successful – get the state of Israel, move there, protect it using the power of America, make it modern and powerful. However, strategically they painted themselves into a corner. They have the worst piece of real estate in the Middle East, which is mostly desert and doesn’t even have oil. They don’t have the majority there because they couldn’t get rid of the Arabs, who hate them and perpetually conspire to destroy them. Their international protection is America, whose power is waning. Essentially, they managed to all move to a single place and make their collective destruction more likely, while still failing to accomplish a Jewish-religious state populated only by Jews, that would be safe for them and allow them to practice their religion and maintain their society, and not assimilate.
Sure, we must be mindful of conspiracies, as history teaches us that they exist, and can produce great harm. However, history also teaches us that conspirators don’t really benefit from their actions, and often succeed tactically only to be doomed strategically.
The ultimate lesson is that if you don’t know what you’re doing, being able to actually do it successfully can be more of a curse than a blessing.