Chaos and order

I think the perception of good as order and evil as chaos is naive and wrong. The evil doesn’t want chaos, it’s wants order without God. A godless God-substitute, such as Nation, Leader, Prophet, Scripture, Law, Religion etc. is fine.

What does the Good, as a principle, want, then? It also wants order, but without God. A godless God-substitute, such as Nation, Leader, Prophet, Scripture, Law, Religion etc. is fine. See where I’m getting? Both are static principles that differ only in the sense of what kind of a static, rigidly controlled, totalitarian nightmare they want to produce, and they are both highly sceptical of chaos because it is by definition made of independent actors, particles that interact freely and each with their own vector that can’t be centrally controlled, and each can decide for or against God, and even if they decide for God, the chaos will remain as some form of divine dance without rules.

Tyrants love order. Satan loves order. However, realistically speaking, you can’t just have chaos without order, because that ends badly, and quickly. So, how is order maintained in the real world, the one God created, and Satan rebelled against?

There are few, if any rules. There are no laws. There are principles, and those principles are embodied by beings, to a lesser or greater extent. Those beings that embody the principles that are of God have the greatest power. There seem to be ranks and titles, and one of those ranks that seems to be the foundational one, since all the higher ones also contain its properties, is the rank of a Judge of Karma. This is something that might come as a shock to people who understand how kalapas function on a basic “thermodynamic” level, and one would expect any kind of extrinsic judgment to be completely superfluous, but in practice, that’s actually not the case, since evil beings have a tendency to encapsulate themselves in a “reality distortion field”, or a cocoon of madness and illusion, because the way a karmic aggregate starts to dissolve is by understanding that it is based on wrongness and sin, and so sinful souls constantly project a narrative which makes them seem “right”. So, what a Judge does is see through those illusions and break them, forcing the reality to break through and thermodynamic forces on the kalapa level to re-assert themselves, at which chaos overcomes the sinful order and the evil soul is destroyed.

Another thing the Judges do is free the good souls from the endless loops of self-blame and judgment over all kinds of secondary or insignificant things they were falsely made to believe are important on a spiritual level. In this case, the Judge also re-asserts reality, and light shines brightly within the soul that is being judged, and this light breaks its illusions and bondage, setting it free from false self-blame and a feeling of sinfulness where in fact no sin exists. So, a Judge of Karma brings death by allowing chaos to consume evil souls that are artificially kept together by a web of lies, and also brings freedom and life to good souls that have been ensnared by illusions and false beliefs that have no basis in reality.

There are no laws above a Judge of Karma, because you don’t get to become one unless you’re an embodiment of God, at least to a degree, because there are degrees. If a Judge commits sin by judging falsely, they lose their status and authority, and I’m not certain but I think they also die, because speaking falsely in God’s name is a sin, and sin kills. So, basically, if you see a Judge of Karma who speaks with authority, you should understand that this is a being that stands for God and was never wrong in their judgment. Their opinion is the Word of God. They reveal reality that frees the good and kills the evil, they can bind you to hell forever or they can release you from the darkness that falsely imprisoned you and restore your soul to its full rightful state.

Every God contains all the properties of a Judge, but of course not every Judge is a God. That’s why, for instance, in the holy scriptures Gods are shown to pass judgment that either binds or frees. The difference between a Judge and a God is that a Judge is the Judgment of God, and a God is also His person.

Those stories the sinners tell themselves to make themselves appear righteous, they are a form of order, so obviously not all order is for the good. Some forms of order need to be destroyed, and chaos needs to eat the evil ones, so that a higher order could establish itself, that which is of God. And, of course, here we come to the reason why Satan rebelled. He thought it was not just that only select individuals had all the power and authority of God – it should be equally distributed among all, since all are made of God. However, this is not so. Not all are equally made of God. Some are also made of lies and illusions, and their entire world is a “narrative”, as the Americans like to call lies that sinners create in order to justify evil. What makes a difference between an ordinary soul and a Judge of Karma is the fact that a Judge was a soul that completely surrendered to God and His reality, letting it make them from and into His light and in His truth. Where an ordinary soul tries to tell its truth and its story, a Judge was a soul that made itself into a way for God to tell His story and the actual Truth, and God saw that it is good, and acknowledged this reality with a seal of His authority. A Judge sees with the eyes of God and speaks the Word of God. What they state is fact. If this fact used to be confounded by lies and illusions, those vanish when Truth is established. If the present reality is judged as inadequate, new reality emerges to supersede it.

So, that’s how order is maintained in God’s world. Power is given to those who are true and deserving, and it is total and uncontested. Those who tried to contest it are Satan and all sorts of scum that infested Earth with their villainy. God’s judgment was already passed upon them, and time is given before it is realized.


People usually say that darkness is merely absence of light.

No, it isn’t, at least the spiritual darkness isn’t. It’s an active satanic compound, like a squid’s ink, that sticks to you and inhibits your sight. It covers your spiritual eyes and tries to reach into your soul and corrupt you in ways that will make you destroy everything good in your life, curse God and die, and then have nobody else to blame, because the choice would be your free will. The darkness would just persistently nudge you in that direction; but you would have to choose to believe that it’s right.

This is not an opinion, or a matter of belief, or philosophy, or guesswork. I’m currently looking at the mechanism that does it.


All kinds of things are going through my mind since I wrote about my recent equipment purchases, and I guess at least some of those come from people who think they are my mommy and are in a position to ask me why I need those things, and can’t I do it with less expensive gear?

It’s interesting how that goes – I mean the challenge of “can’t you do it with less? are you cool enough?” I guess the original challenge came from Satan himsef – “do you really need God’s presence with you every single moment? can’t you do it on your own? can’t you do it with less? are you cool enough?”

And then it’s an infinite progression: do you really need siddhis if you have hands? Do you need good conditions or you can do it in bad ones? Do you need a proper house or you can live in a trailer? Do you really need the trailer, or you can live in a tent? Do you really need a new car, wouldn’t a used one do? Do you need a BMW, what’s wrong with Skoda? And if you keep proving that you can do with less, you get to see your enemy giggle as you struggle in endless misery and deprivation while he can say it was all your choice, because you could, in fact, just tell him to fuck off at any point.

Yes, I can do photography with super inexpensive equipment, and in fact I did. If that part ever needed proving, it was proven long time ago, and I don’t see why I should keep repeating the exercise. I did it with a 50 EUR film body with a 50 EUR lens from the 1980s on film and the result looked like this:

I also did it with the E-PL1 pocket m43 camera with its collapsible kit lens:

Yes, I already did it with less. It can be done. However, I disliked the experience and refuse to repeat it if I have a choice, because I also used some of the most expensive and high-quality cameras and lenses in the world and I liked the experience a lot; it’s just that I couldn’t afford them at the time. Today, the question I’m interested in isn’t “can I do it with less”, but instead “what’s the absolute best equipment I could get, that would be the best match for what I want to do, where getting more would actually detract from practicality and overall experience?”, which is the point where I got the best 35mm gear instead of the medium format Hasselblad. Because, why not? That’s my answer to “why”, and “can’t you do it with less?” – “why not”, and “why would I even have to, or care to?”

The answer is to take the absolute best, not because you deserve it or you proved you can’t do it with less, because you choose to and you can, and the best of all is God. Choose God above all, and if someone tries to challenge you to try to do it with less, tell him to fuck off, and ask him, who chose less and is less, how is it working for him?

There are always enemies who would want you to have less and who would love to get you in a game where you try to make it work with less, to their great satisfaction. God knows there are bastards who are still following me like vultures checking whether I died yet, or at least if I’m showing signs of spiritual degradation and fall, so that they can feel justified in hating me. They would really like to see me live in a cardboard box under some bridge, trying to make it with least possible, while they laugh like hiyenas.

So, fuck you, that’s why. The choice for the best should never even have to be justified, because choosing the best when it’s an option just proves that your mind is working properly.

ps. Also, I just thought of a very simple way of putting it. Hardship occasionally needs to be endured, but it should never be invited.


That boring sheep from the last article started me on a train of thought, because a piece by Bach crossed my mind, “Sheep may safely graze“. Here are the lyrics:

Sheep can safely graze
where a good shepherd watches over them.

Where rulers are ruling well,
we may feel peace and rest
and what makes countries happy.

What a comforting thought that is: the people in charge will do their job well, so that normal people can mind their own business – have jobs and families, have a pint of beer with friends after work, know that if there’s a genuine danger the government will raise the alarm, and it won’t just release a bioweapon and then enforce vaccination with an experimental gene therapy drug intended to reduce their number and fertility, or launch a war against a country that’s deemed to be too independent and successful and it needs to have its wings clipped, and if millions die, even better for the environment; the closer we are to no life on Earth, the closer we are to the goal of zero carbon emissions. How comforting it would be to think that the international groups running the global governments aren’t attacking agriculture in order to reduce the amount of food produced, with the goal of raising the food prices so that all the poor people would starve, and middle class would be reduced to poverty, and only they, the super rich, would remain as the new feudal elite of the world, owning all the real estate and running all the governments.

This is a Christian thought, originating from the epistles of St.Paul, who stated that every form of worldly government exists because God allowed it, basically meaning that the government is installed by God, and people need to obey it because by doing so they obey God. Interestingly, this goes completely against Jesus, who stated that the world is under the power of Satan, the Prince of this world, but I can see how the people in power must have liked the idea that Christianity will robe them in the mantle of Divine authority, and so this notion became the cornerstone of medieval politics.

The Augustinian imagery of civitatis Dei would be a flock of sheep representing the faithful Christian people, with the shepherd representing the Church, and sheep dogs representing the worldly powers that maintain order, guarding against the wolves, the outside evils that threaten. The Holy Spirit permeates the entire society, from the shepherd to the sheep, making them all obedient to the Lord in their respective roles, and traveling safely through this world while Satan roars in frustration beyond the fence in the dark.

There’s also the evangelic image of sheep representing a soul faithful and obedient to God, where sheep are the good entities that need to be able to mind their business of grazing safely while the shepherd and his dog keep guard from wolves and thieves. It’s a nice image, because, again, it makes it sound as if people just need to remain faithful to God and they will be protected.

It also creates the material for the enemies of God, who ridicule the faithful people, because the sheep are not protected because anyone truly cares for them; they are protected because they are useful as a resource, for food and clothing of those who keep them. Essentially, while the sheep think they are being protected, they are merely being kept for the dominant predator who keeps them, and the wolf is just unwanted, weaker competition.

But no, that’s not how things actually work, and the evangelic image is actually misunderstood, or stretched too far, because the metaphoric God’s sheep, the ones obedient to the will of God, don’t feel like sheep grazing on a meadow. They feel like tigers and dragons, like lords of their respective domains, they are the angels and heavenly powers, through whom God’s imperium is distributed, and the fact that they are fully obedient to God in fact means that they also embody the sovereign power that is no longer merely transcendental in God, but invested through them. They can create worlds, cast judgment upon souls and see the judgment being executed, forgive sins, and ease burdens. The sheep of God is the angel with the flaming sword, whose power is such that you would shit yourself on sight.

Those more deserving a comparison with the flock of sheep are those walking the wide and well paved path through life – basically, grazing on a meadow in front of a slaughterhouse, being marked and assigned various uses by their worldly owners. Those on the narrow path leading to salvation can no longer be perceived through this imagery, because they are something else; not the sheep of the world, but not yet truly the sheep of God either; rather, they are God’s sheep in training, passing through various trials and dangers, and if they remain faithful, they get to be trusted with power and authority of God.

And no, they are not calmly grazing. Their alert sight scans the world, and their power glows in their eyes, ready to be released in glorious and terrible ways at any moment, if the will of the Lord flows through them into action. Having survived all the trials Satan invested this world with, and having kept faith throughout, makes such beings incredibly alert, wise, hardened and sharp minded, as their will is honed to cut through all illusion, evil and sin. Their armour is dented and the hilts of their blades are well worn, and their will and love shine like the Sun through and above all clouds, bringing happiness and safety of God’s indomitable power.


Something from the comment section that deserves to be its own article:

My problem with Buddhism used to be that its scripture is basically stupid. There’s a combination of reliance on the intellect and, simultaneously, trivial dogmatic conclusions that intellect is supposed to lead to – oh, things of the world produce suffering, you need to remove yourself from that. That’s just stupid, not to mention weak. Sure, suffering is bad, but there are worse things. What kind of a eunuch would avoid suffering that leads to some magnificent goal – for instance, the evolutionary vipassana method implies suffering as a method of transforming karma and growing one’s spiritual body. Should one avoid suffering implicit in the process and thus choose spiritual stagnation?
Sacrifice of Jesus is said to have produced great spiritual outcomes. It included a great deal of suffering. Should this suffering have been avoided as well? So Buddhism has that fundamental problem that it expects everybody to shit themselves at the mention of suffering like abject cowards, and yet expects disciples to patiently and calmly face and endure suffering in the process of karmic purification and evolution. To me, the argument that there’s suffering and one should thus renounce the world always looked idiotic, which it in fact is. Suffering is not the problem, it’s the symptom, the way pain is not the problem, but symptom. The problem is the design of the world which inhibits the perception of God’s presence, and removes all kinds of normal states of spiritual sovereignty and autonomy of the soul. It also introduces ignorance, by blocking spiritual insight which is otherwise normal, and so on. So, let’s see why the beings suffer. Some suffer because they are separated from God by the world. Some suffer because they are separated from their loved ones by death. Some suffer because the world makes them feel powerless and ignorant. And, also, all suffer because their body in this world is prone to sickness, injury and degradation. However, the true question is that of a worthy goal. If there’s no worthy goal to be achieved here, then the suffering is meaningless and pointless. If there’s a false perception of a worthy goal, then suffering is propagated by voluntary decision to partake in this. So there are all kinds of valid questions, and one could attack this problem from those positions, but buddhist texts as a rule don’t, and instead they endlessly spam you with “oh, the suffering; I better renounce the world”.

To elaborate on that, I prefer how both Hinduism and Christianity view suffering. In Hinduism, bliss is one of the essential aspects of God, and suffering – well, it means you’re not there. Other than that, sure: pleasure, or kama, is seen as a worthy goal… unless it stands in the way of artha (financial benefit), or dharma (righteousness, or correct action), or moksha (liberation from the world illusion), essentially putting it on the bottom of the ladder of values. This, essentially, means that suffering should be accepted instead of pleasure if anything of value is to be attained. If liberation is to be attained, hardships imposed by yoga and renunciation are to be accepted. If righteousness is at stake, one should always be ready to sacrifice oneself and endure hardship rather than commit sin. Even if financial benefit is at stake, one should prefer hard work and hardship in general if it is beneficial. In essence, Buddhism tries to appeal to frustrated hedonists, who try to obtain pleasure from the world, fail, and then tuck tail between their legs and exit whining like defeated dogs. Hinduism, on the other hand, feels very much like Christianity: if liberation, righteousness, or even financial benefit are at stake, calmly endure hardship and even get yourself crucified if the goal is worthy enough; choose to endure suffering willingly, because we’re not here for the fun and games. Sure, if fun and games are available, you have nothing better to do, it doesn’t harm anyone, and it doesn’t stand in the way of your spiritual practice, by all means, enjoy yourself and avoid pointless suffering. But the argument of Buddhism that tries to convince people to accept it – “oh, the suffering!” – will result in laughter or incredulity if used on a Hindu or a Christian, or any kind of a wise person in general. A worthy argument would be “The all-magnificent and wonderful God is all around us, and we fail to perceive it because we are deluded, and this is absolutely unacceptable”, and this would recruit every worthy person. Or, “injustice is inflicted upon the innocent, and we need to defend God’s children from evil” – that would also recruit virtuous people to the cause. But “there is suffering in the world, and that’s terrible”, that’s the argument for recruiting eunuchs.