Future course

I think I’m starting to get a good impression of Trump’s future course of action on Russia. Here’s a clip form the person he picked to inform his action on Russia:

This makes it increasingly likely that the Biden regime’s recent escalatory moves have been given green light by Trump; he’s basically making things five times worse, so that when he makes them 10% better he’ll be hailed as a peacemaker. Only, it’s not going to work.

You see, Trump works from flawed premises. He thinks he can threaten Russia with effective measures in order to ensure submission. However, America has already used everything it dared to use and lost the war. America already depleted their stockpiles of weapons, and not just their own, but across NATO. It also has a crisis in Israel, and is trying to bully China. America just doesn’t have the military potential Trump thinks he has. Sure, they can start using their air force, but it will be shot down and their airfields and aircraft carriers will be destroyed within a day. Everything they have is within range of Russian retaliatory weapons, which is why it wasn’t used; it was certainly not out of great love for the Russians. Also, in case of open war the Russians will destroy all their satellites, making America completely blind. Essentially, America is not where Trump thinks it is. It’s between admitting failure in its attempt to strategically defeat Russia, or resorting to nuclear weapons. Also, economically speaking America is not doing well, and is in a process of collapse; Russia is doing much better. American allies have all been strategically weakened by American efforts to cut them off from Russia and China, and will be of absolutely no help. Russian allies, on the other hand, desire to keep the world as it is for the most part, just remove the part where America bullies them; they are nothing but a bunch of scared sheep, and are also of little use to anyone as they are.

So, basically, Trump will try to “negotiate” from the position of strength, which he thinks he has but he is mistaken. The Russians will take a look at this and say “ok, so nothing new, we continue with our operation”. The great America that Trump remembers was there when he was young, but it’s not there anymore, and it’s not coming back. Also, Trump thinks that his enemies see his potentially friendly attitude towards Russia as his weakness that was exploited against him in his first mandate, and he will apparently try to be super hostile towards Russia in order to compensate, and he thinks Putin is some Russian thug he can intimidate like he did with mafia in New York. He is mistaken. In fact, Trump is the oligarch thug, and Putin dealt with his kind very successfully in the beginnings of his rule. He understands stupid power addicts. There’s an enormous gulf in competence, intelligence and sophistication between the two.

I can predict that Trump will threaten, and his bluff will be called. He then thinks he will intimidate Putin into submission by making some kind of a nuclear demonstration, or a limited nuclear attack. The result will be Russian retaliatory strike on America.

Trump defines “getting along” with Russia and China as a “relationship” where America dictates and the others obey. What he failed to understand is that this is no longer working. America has been abusing other powers too much and for too long, and they are done with it. Putin is barely containing his people and his military, because there is huge desire for crushing the West altogether. Putin is not some dictatorial thug that can be bullied or manipulated, Putin is a moderate who is desperately trying to prevent nuclear war, and already had to make concessions, and what Trump is about to do is going to weaken Putin’s argument to the point where he will have to concede, and admit that the radicals were right. He had to do that several times already, and his moderate position is already in retreat.


As a response to American and British missiles being shot into Russia proper, Russia responded by launching a salvo of iron penetrator dummy MIRV heads from a new IRBM (intermediary range ballistic missile) launchers onto a military factory in Dnepropetrovsk. Judging by the expected effect of big chunks of iron shredding through steel and concrete at 5km/s speed, that factory is toast, and the message? The range of that thing is 5000km. London is in range, the entire Europe is in range. The message is “keep fucking around and you’ll find out what happens when we arm those with the proper payload and deliver them to your home”. The weapon is incredibly precise; it’s precise enough you can shoot London from Arkhangelsk and pick not only which building you want to hit, but which rooms in which order. I expect it’s armed with six thermonuclear warheads 150kt each. It’s a very clear warning, as clear as you can get without actually shooting at NATO countries, and without using the actual nukes. When I’m saying I’m not sure it’s the last warning, I mean there’s a possibility that they will fire such a salvo at the MI6 building in the centre of London, for instance – non-nuclear, but nothing will be left standing. Not sure it makes sense – at that point, better combine messages and make it nuclear, because apparently some people believe that Russian nukes don’t work.


Trump made a big strategic mistake after he won the election.

He publicly stated he is going to implement a deep purge of the state apparatus – people who squander and embezzle tax money, people who used state power to go after him, people who implement the woke agenda, people who censored media etc.

Basically, he gave those people, while they are still in power, all the reasons to make sure he never takes power. That’s a political equivalent of the Osborne effect; basically, one of the early computer companies that advertised their next model before the current model stockpiles have been depleted, causing it to stop selling and the company to go bankrupt, and the case is now taught in schools as an example of how not to run your mouth. Essentially, if you’re going to perform a purge, first take their power away, and absolutely never announce it. That man is an absolute amateur in matters of politics.


The question that’s currently asked everywhere is whether Russia will now escalate to use of tactical nuclear weapons after Biden’s regime deliberately crossed their red line of using long-range missiles to strike Russia proper.

It’s a complicated matter, because the Americans are applying their way of thinking to the Russians, and the Russians run a different algorithm. Basically, they are playing poker, and the Russians are playing chess. In poker, there is a concept of bluffing, and at some discrete point the cards are revealed, and the Schroedinger’s cat box is opened; basically, probabilistic uncertainty collapses into certainty and you have a binary outcome. The Russians are developing a multi-dimensional self-serving strategy; essentially, they want to ensure a long-term positive outcome for themselves, and they don’t believe in a zero-sum game thing, where others have to lose in order for them to win. From a Russian perspective, others have to lose only if they decide to play such a game that positive outcome for Russia isn’t possible while they exist. This means that Russia has no problem with multiple powerful actors on a world stage that each play their own game and try to be successful in their own way, as long as that allows Russia to mind its own business and prosper – basically, trade freely with others, cooperate with others in science, technology, sports, art etc., and not have implacable foes accumulate weapons and armies at their borders.

Russian self-serving strategy means they would very much like to avoid any outcome where Russia enters a mutual-destruction pact with America. Russia would prefer it if America blew off steam and made their arrogant posturing, while Russia creates the alternative UN with BRICS, basically excluding America and their vassals but keeping everything else that’s useful in the international relations, so that they can all trade and cooperate freely while America sanctions itself out of existence and their economy implodes. Basically, the Russians are buying time, because they understand economics well enough to know that America is hollowed out, unsustainable and in too much debt to be able to continue as it is now; why have a nuclear war where everybody dies, when they can just wait for America to go bankrupt and thus solve the problem peacefully, and they end up winning by default?

The problem is, the guys who are running America knew this much before the Russians figured it out, and I don’t think they will allow this. If I could plot out this scenario, it’s quite obvious that the American analysts plotted it out as well. The problem with every strategy is that the opponent will actively resist outcomes that are highly unfavorable to them.

Also, this makes Russia very averse to any kind of radical moves, which makes them susceptible to “salami tactics” – basically, if the opponents slices up aggressive strategy into small chunks, each of which is too small to warrant extreme reaction, you end up with an entire salami up your ass before you know it. It’s a game theory thing – and the Americans invented game theory. Basically, they count on the fact that a self-serving actor will respond to a small provocation with conciliatory moves rather than resort to mutually destructive action, and even if some moves will then have to be reversed, it will be just the last salami slice, not the whole damn thing; essentially, you will be in a position to revoke the last centimeter of a kilometer-long encroachment, and even appear to be a reasonable peacemaker when your victim eventually turns aggressive.

The additional problem is that Putin sees himself as a savior of Russia, and you can’t be a savior of Russia if you react in such ways as to start a nuclear war. Also, he likes to see himself as a Christian, so he would rather try turning the other cheek, and giving you his shirt after you’ve stolen his coat. He is very much inclined to try all kinds of peaceful and diplomatic solutions before resorting to war, and in war he will try to use the minimum force necessary to accomplish goals.

As a result, there is now a widespread understanding in Russia that the concept of deterrence is broken, and the enemies of Russia feel that they can do whatever they want with impunity, because nuclear war is off the table as long as they don’t use nukes first. They feel this to be unacceptable and harmful to their long term goals, because if their enemies are not deterred from messing with them, all kinds of mischief will continue in perpetuity, and they are pretty much tired of it now. This means that various powerful and influential actors within Russia are mounting pressure on Putin to put nuclear weapons back on the table, and this has been going on for quite a while, and the most recent concession Putin had to make is the change of the official doctrine for use of nuclear weapons.

The problem with this doctrine is that in itself it does nothing to establish deterrence – there are too many scalars and not enough Booleans. It’s all “if an attack is estimated to be large enough, we might…”, and no “if any violation of this principle is observed, use of nuclear weapons in response is obligatory”. Also, the reason why American deterrence works is not the fact that America has nuclear weapons, it’s the fact that they used nuclear weapons on two cities, so everybody knows they are crazy enough to actually do it. Russia never used nukes against an enemy, so there is doubt if they are actually willing to use them at all, and Putin did absolutely nothing to eliminate this uncertainty; in fact, he contributed to the problem. In order for deterrence to work, your adversaries must think you’re reasonable enough to deal with normally, but crazy enough to kill everybody if you’re fucked with enough.

That’s why there were calls in Russia to perform a nuclear test and show that nukes are on the table, but that obviously won’t work, because it doesn’t show you’re willing to use them against your opponent if encroached upon; it shows you’re willing to detonate them in some wasteland.

In order for Russia to be taken seriously, they will have to use a thermonuclear weapon against a densely populated military installation of their opponent upon encroachment. This makes the present situation very serious, because if Russia doesn’t make the Bryansk attack a point where they respond with nuclear weapons against American military installations in the first ring of support around Ukraine, further encroachments will follow and there will be no deterrence whatsoever to inhibit them, eventually causing a full nuclear exchange. On the other hand, the Americans are just waiting for use of nuclear weapons from Russia to justify their own nuclear attack, which will lead to a full nuclear exchange. So it’s a tree of options where every branch eventually leads to the same outcome, which is why Putin would prefer to avoid the whole thing and just wait for America to go bankrupt and have a civil war across the damn ocean and leave the rest of the world alone finally; however, he won’t be allowed that option. This has to be dawning to the Russian analysts as well, which is why the pressure is mounting on Putin to create a psychological wall of credible deterrence that was lost after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

The entire situation is an explosive mixture, and I’m taking it quite seriously.