
I haven’t been commenting on the events in Syria because I don’t actually know what’s going on there. Initially, it appeared that a bunch of jihadists trained by the West broke into Syrian government controlled territory, and they looked like the typical IS characters on Toyota pickup trucks, armed with light weapons; they should have been easily stopped. However, that’s not what happened. Instead, the Syrian government forces retreated and crumbled away without actually opposing the invaders. Whether that is because of incompetence, cowardice, corruption or treason, I don’t know, but militarily speaking they were a non-entity. The terrorists took over the capital, Assad fled and Syria is no more. The Russians did some damage to the terrorists from the air, but since they had absolutely no ground forces to rely on, that did nothing, and they did the right thing by letting go of Syria altogether, because if its own people won’t defend it, why would they?

Israel is already taking advantage and entering border towns.

This entire thing smells of very good intelligence work from Israel and the West – bribe the key people in the Syrian military, spread discontent, use the fact that the Americans captured Syrian oil which made the Syrian government unable to finance the country etc., and then introduce the jihadis they trained in Idlib and other places to take the whole thing over in what, less than a week? That must be a record of some kind, even for the notoriously incompetent Arab armies. The Russians will now likely cut the losses, withdraw from the base they have there, and sigh in collective relief because they are no longer trying to push that rock uphill.

However, this doesn’t look over. Iran now lost a major ally in the region, and I don’t think they will just take it. Without Syria under control, Hezbollah would be exposed and their supply lines compromised, and the position of Israel greatly strengthened. Also, everybody blames Turkey for this, but they now betrayed Iran and Russia and thus lost the BRICS option that would allow them to gain independence from America and NATO. Basically, I don’t see Turkey as a winner here, despite the appearance. The only winners are Israel, America and presumably the UK; Turkey lost the option of strategic independence, Iran lost a strategically important ally, Russia lost its only foothold in the Middle East, but for Russia this was merely an unsustainable adventure with strained supply lines, that tried to fight fate and keep the incompetent Assad government and his rotten and cowardly army in place. This was a major win for America – they basically financed the destruction of Syria with profits from Syrian oil alone, they had no losses, they helped Israel, strategically harmed Iran, and made Russia look foolish.

Of all the aforementioned players, I think Iran is the least likely to just take the loss and shrug. Unlike the Russians, they have a very important stake in the region and they might decide that it’s worth it to go all-in and try to bring things back under control. In any case, this doesn’t look over. We now have multiple Arab countries without normal governments and unable to control their own territory, which makes them non-countries, I guess. Israel, as a major beneficiary of this, will feel encouraged, and will probably want to add Iran to this list.

Ukraine didn’t benefit from this at all, since the Russians refused to take the focus from what matters the most, and were not really distracted from destroying them. Their front line is crumbling and we’re approaching the point where the Russians decide how much of Ukraine they want to take, or, in other words, how much of Ukraine will they allow to become a hornet’s nest in their back yard, since the NATO countries are already talking about who will send how many occupying forces (aka. “peace keepers”) there. The Russians are not likely to allow this, but on the other hand they like the option of escalating the war even less, and they have to stop somewhere.

Misunderstood signals

I just finished watching Tucker Carlson’s interview with Sergei Lavrov.

The impression I’m getting is similar to that of a cat or a bear “talking” to a dog. The way Lavrov is talking will communicate nothing to the Americans. They are adrenaline addicts, brought up on fast and hysterical ads and movies. Lavrov’s calm and intellectual approach will make them fall asleep. They are unable to think in full sentences, let alone paragraphs or pages of condensed text. They need it summarised into an emotion-charged sound-bite.

What Lavrov said was that the American belief in the possibility of a limited nuclear war that’s taking place in Europe and not involving America is dangerous and invites catastrophe.

What the Americans will hear is “the Russians are boring, they just talk and don’t have the guts to do anything”.

Lavrov speaks reasonably good English, but he doesn’t speak American. Translated to American, what he said should sound like: “If the nukes start flying, we will make absolutely sure that everything we’ve got hits America first, in order to ensure there’s no America left. We will make absolutely certain that they don’t survive this. Only after all of them are either dead or wishing they were, will we deal with their European poodles. There is absolutely no option where this goes nuclear and America survives in any shape or form”.


Biden allows American missiles to be launched into Russia proper and thus meets the conditions for war with Russia.

Trump is completely silent.

Biden pardons his money laundering son.

Trump immediately protests.

I don’t know about you, but I would take this as a sign that one of those was pre-arranged between the two.

War on reality

I’m finding it very hard to model Americans, in a game theory context.

You see, game theory assumes that every actor is rational and is trying to win; or, at least, not to lose. It assumes rational actors that will do what’s in their own best interest. This models Russians, Chinese and others perfectly, but it doesn’t seem to apply to Americans, and I was wondering why.

One of the reasons seems to be that they are delusional; basically, they think that ignoring the facts and the available reality matters, and is in fact a move that favors them. Partially, I think this is because they, as a people, are essentially salesmen. To them, faking things in order to sell their stuff is as natural as breathing. A fake smile, fake appearance, fake body language, and belief that it matters, is something they learn so early they not only fail to understand that it’s unique to them, and not universal, but they also don’t even seem to notice it’s there.

Also, they have their own ideology that contains a set of assumptions about why they as a nation have been successful, and those assumptions are all false. They, as a rule, attribute their success to freedom, to their constitution, and so on. They don’t understand it’s due to a very complex set of circumstances – for instance, patent law that motivated invention by promising profit, two world wars that destroyed Europe while they remained isolated from harm and were the last one left standing, with intact industry that attracted the brightest minds from the devastated Europe if they wanted to continue working in their field, Bretton Woods system which gave them all of the world’s gold and the ability to print money, later replaced by the petrodollar system, and all of it imposed on the world by brute force. Also, their propaganda is unique in that it seems to be so good that most people don’t even recognize it as such. As a result, they live in a fake reality, where they think something is caused by A while in fact it is caused by B. Not knowing the actual facts makes them unable to understand the mechanisms that contribute to either success or failure, and they think they act in their self-interest, but because they are under a misapprehension, their moves are contrary to their self-interest and appear irrational to an outside observer.

For instance, to an outside observer it appears irrational to provoke Russia into a situation where it will be forced to defend its most basic self-interest with nuclear weapons, because this will cause America to be destroyed and their most vital self interest will thus be negated. The Americans, however, don’t see it this way. They live in a reality where Russia already collapsed and stopped being any kind of a threat in the 1990s. After that, America rose triumphant, and its supremacy was shown in the Iraq Wars and elsewhere, and nobody could stand before its military might. The nuclear weapons stopped being a threat since the Reagan-Gorbachev disarmament in the late 1980s, and then the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia remained as a barely-surviving sick nation, everything they inherited from the Soviet Union rusted out and decayed, and they are no threat to anyone anymore, and so every threatening posture from them must be a bluff.

Since this “reality” is constantly fed to them through the media, they think it’s intuitively true, and everything contradicting it is transparent propaganda from their weak and defeated enemies, who are of course all shivering at the thought of facing America in war, which is why they all resort to propaganda, bluff and trickery.

This is how you get the cognitive dissonance where they buy rides on Soyuz and buy Russian rocket engines and titanium blades for their jet engines from Russia, but Russia is a primitive, technologically backward country where nothing works and everything is divided into corrupt oligarchs and utter squalor. So, when Russians say they have something advanced, their claims are not believed. When Russians demonstrate an advanced weapon, the Americans wave it off as a one-off prototype that doesn’t mean anything, and when the Russians demonstrate that they can serially produce it in endless quantities, the American reaction is a shock and utter inability to process that as fact, and so they will blame China, Iran or North Korea for violating sanctions, because there’s no other way the primitive and backward Russians could demonstrate technology that’s 20 years ahead of anything America could do.

When America sends its outdated weapons to Ukraine, in order to empty the warehouses of the old stuff, that’s seen as perfectly reasonable, but when the Russians do the same, and use up the old tanks and guns, it’s seen as a sign that they are running out of everything and the American strategy is working. When the Russians make weapons that are “good enough”, basically preferring to make something that works reliably for a long time but has 5% less power, they are laughed at and this is seen as evidence that they are primitive and backward. When those “primitive” weapons out-gun the “advanced” Western ones, this is not interpreted as evidence that the Russian weapons design made better compromises; instead, it’s seen as evidence that the crazy Russians are throwing “human waves” at the enemy in complete disregard for the lives of their men, and if we just wait long enough they will run out and the war will be won, and the people will revolt against Putin, his bluff will fold and Yeltsin will again come to power and reality will reset itself to what Americans will find acceptable, true and normal, after the illusion of Russian power crumbles upon the walls of Western military and economic superiority.

So, the reason why the Americans are difficult to model in my game theory simulations is that they don’t live in the same reality as the rest of the world; they don’t accept the same facts. They live on the planet Hollywood. They think their military is no1 in the world by orders of magnitudes; in comparison to the rest of the world, they are aliens armed with photon torpedoes and energy shields. Their economy can power endless military production that can out-produce everybody, and when each of their weapons appears in battle, it just shatters everything fielded by the opposition. As for the nukes, they have a shelf life, and since everything Russians actually have (not pretend to have) was produced in the Soviet Union and merely repainted, it’s all rusted out and gone by now, and exists as a mere bluff that will be called by Trump, who is the embodiment of American poker, and everybody will shit themselves.

As a matter of fact, the Russians have, in reality, the stuff that Americans have only in Power Point presentations and 3d renders. The Russians have an economy that’s based on material assets, while the Americans have an economy based on virtual nonsense and debt. The Russians have engineers that actually know physics and mathematics, while the Americans have leftist woketards. As a result, the Americans are the ones whose only functional weapons were designed and fielded in the 1980s, and most of their nuclear forces are rusted out. However, American movie and propaganda industry is vastly superior to anything the Russians have at their disposal.

This makes the Americans incredibly dangerous.

During the cold war, they had their illusions, but for the most part they were very much grounded in reality. They were aware of the losses they would take against the Soviets, and they were aware that they would lose almost immediately in a conventional war, and would have to resort to nuclear weapons. They were also aware that the Soviet nuclear weapons are excellent, and that America would be destroyed completely and utterly in a nuclear war. This is why they were very careful in dealing with the Soviet Union, and, if anything, their propaganda would inflate Soviet capabilities in order to justify the defense budget. This awareness of the danger is the reason why we had such a long time of world peace since WW2. However, this current America that lives on planet Hollywood, is extremely dangerous, because it doesn’t accept the facts as such. They think they are powerful when they are not, they think the enemy is bluffing because it appears powerful while they “know” that can’t be true, and they think they know the actual reality, which is that the enemy is all fake and will crumble any time now, if they just hold the line and call the bluff.

The expected result of that, of course, is that they will force Russia and China to escalate, until things reach the nuclear threshold, and then they will “call the bluff”. When the opponent uses a nuclear weapon as last warning, they will conclude that it’s a bluff – they used the last working bomb from the Soviet Union, and they’re done now. When a thousand nuclear devices explode all across NATO, and the Internet and all the information sources go dark, the survivors in America will think it was a deception, the Russians cut the cables with some trickery, and detonated an EMP to cause blackouts; the power and the Internet will go back soon, and reality will re-assert itself.

That’s the problem with America: they declared war on reality, and they won. As a result, reality no longer has any power over them, at least in their minds. Even as they die of radiation poisoning eating stale spam in their basements, they will believe that America is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Except that sliced bread was invented in America, and it’s absolute shit.


The situation is as follows:

  • The Russians warned that if NATO fires long range rockets into Russia proper, the rockets that can only be aimed and fired by NATO personnel, NATO will be considered to be at war with the Russian Federation. Russia also “clarified” its nuclear doctrine, basically allowing the use of nuclear weapons if a nuclear-armed foe uses a proxy to wage war with Russia;
  • USA and UK fired said missiles into the territory of RF;
  • Russia responded by using a “Oreshnik” IRBM MIRV cluster, of kinetic impactors only, onto a rocket factory in Dnepropetrovsk;
  • USA, UK and France announced that it’s basically a free-for-all, no red lines will be observed, and they launched another series of long range cruise missiles into Russia proper; this time several cluster warheads made it through and hit an airfield in Kursk;
  • The Russians announced that “punishment” is being prepared, and the airspace around Kapustin Yar, from where “Oreshnik” was launched, is closed until Nov 30.

The political statements from the West indicate complete unwillingness/inability to de-escalate. The political statements from Russia indicate that they are no longer waiting for the West to come to their senses. Also, the Russians are making significant advances on the battlefield, indicating that the Ukrainian front line is collapsing. Also, statements from the future Trump administration indicate that they intend to continue with pressure on Russia.

It is my opinion that nuclear war is imminent. It’s only a matter of time until someone uses the first nuclear warhead, and then the pace will increase. It used to be decades/years between significant moves, then months, and now we are under a week already, and it seems to be exponentially decreasing. It will be days, then hours, and then it’s all automatic.