
Take this as an observation based on my personal experience with several recessions and growth cycles over the decades.

The way you can tell we’re at the peak of the growth cycle is the generally positive social attitude towards overt displays of wealth – people driving expensive cars, wearing expensive watches and other trinkets, and so on. The social attitude is, basically, aspirational – “good for him; we’re all doing well, some are doing better than most, but we all aspire to be there”. There’s abundance of money in the system, and there’s an abundance of people having lots of money, as well. The attitude is that if you don’t have money at that point, it’s your fault.

The way you can tell we’re entering recession is that the attitude towards boastful displays of wealth grows increasingly negative – an increasing number of people either lost their jobs, or had their salary cut, or the prices grew; the pension funds went bust, some people couldn’t pay their mortgage and so lost their homes, and so on, and the attitude is that we’re all basically fucked and trying to make ends meet, and the goal is no longer to make the most money, but to survive to the other side of this. The attitude towards wealth is no longer aspirational, because it’s seen as a dream we had to abandon and will most likely never reach, so displays of opulence are seen as someone poking at our wounds, intentionally reminding us of our misery and loss, and the rich people who don’t understand that the times had changed might find themselves at the wrong end of the stick.

I’ve been noticing this souring of attitude towards fake and real displays of wealth for a while now, which, to me, signals recession, and not only recession, but widespread pain of recession, that is not being acknowledged by the media, which makes it worse because it makes people assume it’s probably just them and not everybody else, and they feel as if they should keep up a facade of opulence in order not to stick out and be seen as losers, and keeping up the facade is increasing the financial pain. So, whenever they see someone who is buying a fancy new toy to show how well they are doing, they feel this as pressure to keep the expensive pretence and hasten their financial ruin.

Usually, when it’s publicly acknowledged that we’re in a recession, there’s a collective sigh of relief because then people feel they are allowed to show signs of adversity, because it’s seen as something that happens to everybody – they can keep wearing old clothes, sell the expensive car and get an old beater, not buy wasteful trinkets as holiday presents, and so on. Even the rich people usually have enough sense to tone it down, because they don’t want to be seen as the only ones not suffering; when everybody is doing well, doing better is good, but when everybody is doing poorly, doing better might single you out for retribution.

We are in an unacknowledged recession.


Nothing extreme seems to be going on, but I have a feeling that “something” is around the corner and things might quite suddenly go to shit, so I’ll write down what I think makes sense to do.

Spiritual preparations

From what I can tell, the last warning was given around this time in 2020 – get your affairs in order, acquire and keep spiritual detachment from this world, orient yourselves towards God, basically live as if this might go on for a long time, and yet be ready to leave at any moment. When the warning was given I had the feeling that what follows will be a relatively long period of “nothing”, which will make people not take the warning seriously, and then the lightning will strike in an instant, and then they’ll whine that they haven’t been warned. Apparently, you can’t win – if you issue a warning and the event you’re warning against follows quickly, they whine that they haven’t been warned early enough to do anything constructive. If you warn them early enough, they laugh at you and say that obviously nothing happened and you’re deluded.

Financial preparations

You already know what I’ll say here – keep all savings in form of physical gold and silver. Ensure that you have access to it and that it isn’t kept in some building with armed guards who will keep you from entering in a crisis. Don’t trust the system – the banks and the states will conspire against you. The corporations will obey the laws, and the laws will be made by the people who couldn’t care less about you. Keep as much money in the bank as you need for the monthly liquidity; bills need to be paid and you need to be practical about it. Also, keep enough cash in case the banks become defunct, but not too much – cash is a necessary intermediary step between banks not working and you having to resort to gold and silver for expenses. My rule of the thumb for cash is always keep at least 200 dollars or euros per person, and don’t exceed the amount you need for food, fuel and medical expenses per month. This is not even that much of a “prepping” advice, it’s a common sense thing, because the credit/debit cards are known not to work occasionally and you need to have backup. Any kind of debt might become fatal, in the sense that if the banking and financial system becomes defunct, you will not be able to service your debt, but the banks and the states will conspire to simply take your collateral without even asking for your input in any way. Some kind of emergency measures will be taken and everybody will get fucked, except for the rich people in power. They will do the fucking.

Physical preparations

Shelter, food, water, medications, hygiene products. Try to stock up on things you need that might become unavailable if foreign trade is disrupted – detergent, soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, and so on. Try to have everything you need to keep in touch with family and friends in case of emergency – at an absolute minimum, a smartphone, charger and a battery pack to keep it working in case of a prolonged power outage. Keep a “return home safely” backpack ready and take it in your car whenever you go far enough that you would have a problem if you had to return home on foot in case of a total traffic collapse. Keep spare bottles of drinking water in your car – it costs you nothing to have them there, and it won’t go bad, so it’s cheap insurance. If you have multiple residences, keep a cache of food, water and other stuff at each location. Keep your car ready at all times. The absolute minimum you must be able to endure with your cache of food is two weeks; the absolute minimum of drinking water supplies should be two days, if you can rely on the utilities working. In any case, do the best you can. I am aware that if the water and electricity are permanently disrupted, it’s game over, and having your own off-grid water and electricity supply is just not an option for most people. However, assume that what you have locally will keep working, and whatever is sourced remotely will be unavailable, so stock up on that well in advance, while the prices are still normal. As for the gadgets, having computers behind an UPS that filters power is recommended; having a radiation dosimeter that is able to detect alpha and beta sources, in order to check if food and water are safe, is great. Having a battery-powered radio to be able to hear the news in case of an emergency combined with a power outage and Internet failure is good, but you probably already have one in your car. Having a quadcopter drone in order to be able to see from a high vantage point and check the surroundings out of your line of sight is useful. Having a bicycle that will give you mobility in case there’s no fuel for the car is very good. Absolutely have at least one battery powered flashlight per person, and a cache of both rechargeable and alkaline batteries at each residence. Having a garden where you can grow some food is great in case of a prolonged collapse.


The point of preparations is to return to God with your soul in good condition, and to avoid as much of misery, suffering, destitution, starvation and other joys of material existence as possible before that.


The Western countries are continuing to stir up anti-Russian chaos in countries of the former Soviet Union – Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, where they have installed corrupt, pro-western client regimes and NGOs that spread pro-western, anti-Russian propaganda to the detriment of the local populace. The goal of this is to strategically encircle Russia with hostile nations that will follow the example of Ukraine – basically, buy into the empty promises of Western wealth and “democracy”, and get destroyed fighting Russia, so that the West doesn’t have to sacrifice their own people and vital resources defeating their strategic enemy.

This, however, is just a distraction, since none of those client states can survive the inevitable collapse of the West; the West at this point has culturally nothing to offer, other than the LGBT degeneracy that nobody wants. Their “prosperity” is debt-based, the Western societies are deindustrialising, energy-deficient and the basis of prosperity is in the process of collapse. The only thing Russia has to do is not swallow the bait, take their time destroying the West in Ukraine, wait for the eurodollar system to collapse, and when the false promise of the prosperity of the West crumbles together with the West itself, things will gradually normalise.

Unfortunately, I don’t see any probability of this happening, because of the very narcissism of the West that makes them form great plans for total world domination at the very point of their socioeconomic collapse. Such narcissists will burn everything down before they suffer the humiliation that stares them in the face, which is why I see a nuclear war as the high-probability option.

As for the immediate collapse of the Western economy, what we see is the collapse of the banking system, but I see a more important underlying pattern of the collapse of the real-estate market and its derivatives, the mortgage-based securities that back the currency. The danger to the individuals is reduced liquidity due to the banks being formally rescued but de-facto defunct. What this means is that your account might be theoretically there, but you might be unable to use it to service your liabilities, and I actually expect this to be a way for the banks and other large entities to disown the owners of real estate that is financed with mortgage loans. You see, the simplest way to do this is to create a widespread technical default, meaning that you formally have the money in the bank but you can’t use it to pay your debts, in the same way the West is forcing Russia into a technical default or delinquency on its obligations by locking it out of the SWIFT system and simultaneously requiring payment that can only be done using the system that is blocked. Then, when the Russians can’t service their obligations, use this as an excuse to confiscate their assets. I expect this pattern to be extremely widely used against the populace in the West, in order to effectively confiscate their property and turn them into serfs in some sort of a technofascist neo-feudal system that they have planned for us. Even if you actually own real estate, meaning there’s no mortgage on it, you’re not safe, because I expect the governments to invent new taxes attacking property owners, which might be technically unserviceable and delinquency on those imaginary obligations will be dealt with by mass confiscations of property. Since they have already implemented a total surveillance society, they expect that nobody will be able to escape their total control even as they go bankrupt, and they will be able to implement absolute centralized control over life and property of individuals.

This is why I see a nuclear war as a lesser evil, because “peace” brings only enslavement, destitution and despair for all of us. The worst that could happen to us is along the function of the linear progression of “business as usual”. Fortunately, I think those people are in fact very stupid and have overplayed their hand, mostly because they work with faulty assumptions, the way they expected to collapse the Russian economy with sanctions, and they in fact collapsed their own economies and improved the Russian position, because in their narcissism they are unable to understand the actual facts, and instead they consume their own propaganda as inputs for simulations and predictions. Also, they vastly overestimated their ability to control things, also because they worked with faulty understanding of why things worked so far, and why they seemed to have things under control. In essence, I expect things to increasingly escape their control and fall apart, and I expect all their efforts in fixing the problems to accelerate the rate of collapse, contrary to what happened so far.

Banks circling the drain

The banks are performing according to my expectations:

Credit Suisse wasn’t doing well before, and now it’s basically fucked:

Credit Suisse Sparks Global De-Risking After Top Investor Bails (ZeroHedge)

On Wednesday, Credit Suisse Group AG’s shares reached their lowest point ever, dropping by as much as 10%. This is the eighth consecutive session of decline, which comes in the wake of restructuring issues, delays in submitting its annual report due to ‘material weakness’ flagged by the SEC last week, and a broader industry selloff following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. In addition to these challenges, the troubled Swiss bank now faces a new problem: its top shareholder has said they will not invest any further due to the sharp decline in valuations.

“The answer is absolutely not, for many reasons outside the simplest reason, which is regulatory and statutory,” Saudi National Bank Chairman Ammar Al Khudairy told Bloomberg TV in an interview on Wednesday.

That was in response to a question about whether Credit Suisse would receive fresh injections if another liquidity crisis emerged.

Saudi National Bank, which is 37% owned by the kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund, is Credit Suisse’s largest shareholder as of late 2022 after acquiring a 9.9% stake. Al Khudairy said there are no plans at the moment to take the stake over the 10% threshold because of regulatory hurdles. In the last several months, since the bank’s equity has been on a waterfall lower, the Saudis have lost more than 500 million francs on their position.

The news the Saudis are perhaps done supporting the troubled Swiss bank sent shares down as much as 25% to a new record low in Zurich.

I have nothing new to add in terms of my recommendations; basically, the banks are going down, the fiat currency system is going down, everything based on America and the Dollar is going down, what follows is extreme turbulence and insecurity, the lemmings are going down the cliff.

You know what I think is a good idea. 🙂

More 1st world problems

Another Norfolk Southern train derails in Springfield, Ohio after toxic East Palestine spill.

A Norfolk Southern cargo train derailed in Ohio on Saturday evening, one month after the derailment of another company train carrying hazardous materials sparked concerns about the safety of those nearby.

The Saturday incident took place near the town of Springfield, Ohio, as the 212-car train traveled south, a company spokesperson said. About 20 cars from the train, which did not have passengers on board, derailed by State Route 41 near the Clark County Fairgrounds, leading officials to advise locals within 1,000 feet of the scene to shelter in place. The derailment also caused more than 1,500 residents to temporarily lose power.

This is, of course, anything but unexpected, if we remember what the train tracks look like over there, and they obviously aren’t repairing them, so if the trains somehow managed to limp along in the past, and the condition degraded further with time and use, it’s obvious that at some point derailment would become the default option.

That’s privatisation for you – it’s unprofitable for the company owning the tracks to invest in repairs, so they milk it for as long as possible, bribe the politicians to leave them alone because that’s cheaper than repairs, and then liquidate the business, split the money between the owners and have someone else deal with the unprofitable business of repairing infrastructure, someone like the state, and then bribe the politicians again to let you “privatise” the infrastructure, promising you’ll do a much better job, because businesses are so much more efficient at managing assets.

The problem is, the businesses are very efficient at milking assets for profit, but they are very inefficient when you need to make large investments in things that will provide long-term benefits to the people at very moderate returns over the decades and centuries. Businesses prefer to make lots of money fast, and in this case we can see what it looks like – neglect, corruption, harm.