Campi flegrei volcano acting up

There is a serious increase in earthquakes at Campi Flegrei supervolcano site near Naples, Italy. Essentially, it’s an earthquake swarm indicating a rise of magma, which is already shallow enough.

From what I can tell, this one doesn’t need much to go critical, and it’s hard to tell what magnitude of a disaster is imminent, because those things happen on a scale, it’s not just “nothing happens” and “everything explodes”. However, since there’s a city of 6 million people there, even a small eruption would cause mass panic and ashfall would endanger a significant portion of the population. A moderate eruption happening there would be a huge disaster, merely because the area is so densely populated. However, if this thing really blows, there’s no need for warnings or evacuations because the safe area will begin somewhere outside Europe.

Campi Flegrei is a supervolcano, like Toba or Yellowstone. If that one blows up, I’m close enough that I’ll likely end up under a meter of ash. That’s why I’m not worrying about it much, because there’s nothing I can do about it. I am, however, posting this notification, because it suddenly became a thing, and I don’t think all those volcanoes are just acting up by accident or at random. There must be a common causal factor, either something geological like that magnetic pole shift that seems to be going on, or gravity causing tidal forces in the Earth’s molten interior (either planetary conjunction or something else), or some kind of a neutrino flux from the Sun increasing radioactive decay and thus increasing the convective movements in the molten interior. Too many things are acting up, and those that are closest to being critical already might go over the limit.