I expected the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk to be mopped up within days of it having started; essentially, I thought it was a diversionary force of a few hundred men, essentially a motorised battalion at most. Nobody in their right mind would have sent anything more on a guaranteed suicide mission on the territory of Russia proper, in a situation when they are already lacking manpower.
And I was right – nobody in their right mind would. However, the Ukrainians sent more.
They sent an entire army corps, of over 100000 men, with all the best Western armour and other motorised gear they could muster. Not only that, but they kept sending re-enforcements for lost men and equipment. Almost all of those men are now dead, and I don’t think there are any wounded because they were logistically too deep and all their wounded men died. All the gear is lost, too. Absolutely nothing was achieved, other than pissing off Russia more.
And since they re-routed men and equipment from their main defence positions into this cul-de-sac, their defensive positions were either lost or are currently at risk, and they de facto lost the war, which makes it understandable why Trump is now doing the peace talk, under false pretence that both sides are stuck and he’s offering a solution. Yes, he’s offering a solution to himself – Russia essentially broke NATO’s back here, and Trump is trying to avoid a shameful defeat and turn it into some kind of a victory.