The problem

The problem with science is that people assume it works on data and analysis, while in fact it works on money, and data and analysis are merely PR instruments for obtaining money. Essentially, if you want to get money as a scientist, you need to serve as a mediator that presents the interests of the people with money to the general populace that will accept your arguments as the truth, believing it’s based on facts, evidence and rational analysis, peer reviewed and all that. In reality, the measurements are cooked up, the analysis is cooked up, and there’s almost never any kind of peer review. Yeah, those are the actual facts about the state of science today, which has been so thoroughly compromised by both money and ideology, that I basically can’t trust any of it at this point, and I only pay attention to scientific research if it comes from China and Russia. Everything in the West is a clown show. In the meantime, the “trust the science” people:

Liars and whores

It’s deep frost on all the roofs here, the temperature is definitely below zero. However, the weather app on my computer shows 4°C. I looked at other sources – yup, they show 4°. I already noticed a pattern there; they always show at least 2° more than the sensor in my car, which is within 0.5° from the sensors reporting the condition on the road, so I know it’s accurate. But, how is that possible? Shouldn’t the meteorologists have the most accurate sensors? They should, normally. However, in the recent decades in the West, this is not how it works.

How it works is that the “higher ups”, the ones holding the wallet from which the scientists are paid, decided that we’re having a global warming, and that’s the scientific truth. Since the scientific truth is already known and should not be disputed, all the measurements should reflect it and show that the global temperatures are indeed rising. The countries and stations that don’t show accurate measurements will have their funding removed. So, we now live in a world where scientific measurements are accurate if they align with politics, and not the physical reality, and political accuracy is rewarded with funds, so that the databases can be filled with politically accurate temperature readings, and those who dare to measure the actual physical reality will be perceived as wildly inaccurate compared to the adjacent measurement spots, and the heads of departments will get demoted and their funding removed.

One will ask how is it possible to spoof temperature readings, and I’ll just laugh. I don’t think they even use thermometers anymore, I think they just use some infrared satellite map and the computer reads out the values based on what somebody told it to read out. Also, all the scientists know what to say in the media when asked about anything. It’s like that joke about the Sunday School, where a nun made a small quiz, and the answer to all four question was Jesus, and she then decided to cheer the kids up a bit and asked “What is it that lives in the trees, has a fuzzy tail and gathers nuts for the winter?” One kid answered “I know the correct answer is Jesus, but to me it sounds a lot like a squirrel.”

The scientists know the correct answer to every question is global warming. No amount of walnuts in a hole in the tree will change this truth, because they know who holds the wallet. They are just like a whore telling her customer he has the biggest cock she ever saw, because a happy customer returns and pays extra.

Same old

I discovered something when testing the new camera and lens today. It works best for taking the kind of pictures I normally take, only of things that are inaccessible because they are far away.

Also, I’m still in a B&W mood.


I’ve been having interestingly contradictory thoughts recently. On one hand, all kinds of disasters are looming. On the other hand, the largest percentage of my consciousness is preoccupied with transforming karmic substance from global sources. And on the third hand, I’m preoccupying myself with various things in order not to go crazy. So, apparently, it’s photography’s turn now. The weather here on Hvar is gloomy and not really conducive to creating colourful imagery at the moment, so I’m doing what I can and shooting black and white gloomy stuff:

The new A7RV camera and the FE 100-400mm GM lens are in the mail and should be here in a day or two, and then I’ll be able to say what I think about them, but honestly, it’s not like I’ve seen any telephoto motives lately. It’s the most dour part of what passes for winter on the normally sunniest Adriatic island. So, I’ve been walking with A7II and the Zeiss 16-35mm, and I really like the results.

Speaking of which, what made me upgrade to the A7RV? Essentially, it’s not that I really planned it much. I looked into the recent developments in photo equipment, and by “recent” I mean the last 8 years or so, and I was amazed at how far some things progressed. So, when I decided to go for the telephoto lens, I also decided it’s time for a camera upgrade, because if something manages to impress me, it’s really good. Ignoring the cameras that specialise in video at all cost, and speed at all cost, I wanted something that had the best resolution and dynamic range I can get on the 35mm Sony platform, and also the fastest, smartest autofocus. This narrowed it down to A1II (50MP) and A7RV (60MP), which I already found super impressive earlier, and I decided that for my specific case of “photographic quality first” the A7RV is slightly better, and the fact that it was also less expensive didn’t hurt. I was considering the older model too, the A7RIV, because it has the same sensor and thus the same image quality, but eventually decided against it because all the other electronics were seriously improved on the newer model. Also, the new model gives me the option to shoot 26MP RAW in cases where I don’t need resolution greater than what I already have now, which is a good option to have because it saves storage, and if I’m shooting hand-held closeups where most of the image is blurred out, 26MP is already an overkill, because the super-resolution files are something I would need for shots with lots of high-frequency detail, such as wide-angle landscapes, that would benefit most from being printed large. So, this versatility appealed to me, because it’s not like my current camera suddenly became outdated with its 24MP; I fully intend on using it as a second body for the wide-angle in cases where the A7RV is married to the telephoto. Anything I take with it can be printed quite large, and in other respects (meaning colour and the dynamic range) it should be identical to the new body.

PS. the new acquisitions arrived:

On the left, the A7II with the 16-35mm Zeiss. On the right, the new A7RV with the FE 100-400mm GM. Everything works, but other than configuring and cleaning them I didn’t have a chance to do much, since it’s a nice day finally and fresh fish arrives on Wednesday, so something had to be done about that. 🙂

The first experiences are that the grip on the new camera is more comfortable and bigger, which was one of the main problems with the old one. Also, the AF seems as fast as on the EOS 3, from what I could see; everything is exactly as heavy as I calculated from the online numbers, but manageable. The birbs are very quick and mostly hidden in the trees so I couldn’t score any quick wins, but that is not unexpected. The fish was tasty.

Campi flegrei volcano acting up

There is a serious increase in earthquakes at Campi Flegrei supervolcano site near Naples, Italy. Essentially, it’s an earthquake swarm indicating a rise of magma, which is already shallow enough.

From what I can tell, this one doesn’t need much to go critical, and it’s hard to tell what magnitude of a disaster is imminent, because those things happen on a scale, it’s not just “nothing happens” and “everything explodes”. However, since there’s a city of 6 million people there, even a small eruption would cause mass panic and ashfall would endanger a significant portion of the population. A moderate eruption happening there would be a huge disaster, merely because the area is so densely populated. However, if this thing really blows, there’s no need for warnings or evacuations because the safe area will begin somewhere outside Europe.

Campi Flegrei is a supervolcano, like Toba or Yellowstone. If that one blows up, I’m close enough that I’ll likely end up under a meter of ash. That’s why I’m not worrying about it much, because there’s nothing I can do about it. I am, however, posting this notification, because it suddenly became a thing, and I don’t think all those volcanoes are just acting up by accident or at random. There must be a common causal factor, either something geological like that magnetic pole shift that seems to be going on, or gravity causing tidal forces in the Earth’s molten interior (either planetary conjunction or something else), or some kind of a neutrino flux from the Sun increasing radioactive decay and thus increasing the convective movements in the molten interior. Too many things are acting up, and those that are closest to being critical already might go over the limit.