Avoid hacks

I recently saw something that made me think about typical mistakes people make in everything they do. Basically, I saw one person trying to learn how to play Oldfield on guitar, and another wanting to learn how to play heavy metal.

I don’t know shit about guitar, but I would expect that what they are doing is going to fail, because in order to learn how to play something specific, you first need to learn how to play anything in general. You learn how to pick out notes, then you practice scales, then you elaborate from the scales and develop melodies and so on, and you need to practice this boring stuff ad nauseam, so it’s your second nature. This is the point where I understood that I saw this pattern before, with “spiritual” people. They all want to become enlightened. They all want to attain some very specific thing at the very peak level of achievement; basically, they want to play Oldfield. Invariably, they all fail, and I’ll tell you why.

They fail because of their contempt for methodical, gradual, systematic approach. They fail because they want to reach the top of the pyramid, but they don’t want to start at the bottom, because that’s boring and unpleasant. They just want a hack that will get them to the top. If only they reached the top for one second, they think, this would tick the “achievement unlocked” box.

Let me put it this way. My personal way of learning things was far from anything orthodox. I didn’t have a teacher and I didn’t belong to a spiritual school of any kind. I did, however, have experience with science, and I did have experience with writing code. I also had experience with failing many times in many spectacular ways, and I was smart enough to see a pattern in failures.

The pattern is that when you don’t invest enough time and effort into the ground work, into the “boring” basics, as you progress further this quickly results in chaos and disorder that inhibits your ability to go any further. Basically, it’s like climbing a ladder. It’s quicker and easier than building a solid structure that will allow you to ascend, but a ladder is flimsy and after a few meters you’re done. You either stop and fail, or you fall down and die. In coding, the equivalent of this is writing quick&dirty functions you don’t test thoroughly, and you write complicated stuff that can’t be tested independently and it all needs to work at once. As a result, when you get unpredicted or unwanted behaviour, it’s exponentially harder to fix as you build further, until you eventually end up with immensely complex, unfixable code that almost works. The pattern is, if you want to succeed, stop trying to succeed. Succeeding is a stupid idea. Instead, try not to fail. If you work very methodically on every single step not failing, you won’t have to work on succeeding, it will take care of itself.

The stuff I practiced most was perceiving what desires, emotions and thoughts do – energy goes in, emotion flares up, the thoughts whirl to give it reason and promote it, and then you grind through more thoughts to feed emotion, regardless of whether emotion is love or depression. The worst pitfall I perceived is a self-destructive pattern where you, basically, act like a baby that cries and makes itself miserable in order for mother to come and make everything better. I understood that this is a severely dysfunctional pattern that is based in physical body’s genetic design, and it’s a deadly thing, because there is no “mother”. Nobody is going to keep rescuing you as you make yourself miserable in order to get attention. All responsibility is on you. You need to stop digging holes for yourself to fall into and cry for help, because this leads to a perpetual fall into the pit of nothingness, and you fall apart in your misery long before you reach the bottom. You need to make sure that you don’t fail. Also, you need to control your impulses that result in fail-patterns. As you observe those things, your skill and accuracy improve. You perceive energies directly, and you learn that your entire mental and emotional structure is made up of various energetic loops and nodes that cause failure, and you work on gradually dismantling those, and absorbing the emotional energy of suffering that is released from them. As you suffer, you learn to release it vertically and learn Kundalini up-stream kriya. As you develop skill with perceiving the minefields of bound energies, you learn the inner-space technique; you basically learn to dig up mines by ringing various emotional “bells” that make them resonate, and then focus as you get a signal, poke where it hurts and have it show itself so you can deal with it. Basically, you learn to wallow in shit and poke at wounds. None of it is fun, none of it is “spiritual”, none of it is a quick hack that will give you a status symbol of having some achievement unlocked so that everybody will know how spiritual and enlightened you are. It’s just emotionally painful, hard and tedious work, and it goes on for months and years. However, as things progress you understand that you are spiritually much more powerful, and occasionally things just start happening, things like initiation into vajra, or being able to perceive higher realities, or being able to transfer karma from other beings, and “flash” a path towards God through their consciousness, or be able to purify energetic impurities from external objects, or be able to create objects of power, create and discreate souls, bring dissipated souls back into existence on kalapa-level, or work directly with structures created by Satan, depleting their energy sources, and then “spending” their control substance.

The thing is, the stuff I’m doing now is “playing Oldfield”, and most of that stuff I never practiced, it came to me easily and trivially as a consequence of other work. The stuff I actually practiced was, essentially, shovelling shit, draining pus from infected wounds, and suffering with calm detachment – basically, I did stuff nobody ever wants to do, and as a result I got to do stuff nobody ever was skilled enough to do.

How to leave

I regularly get questions of this kind:

If this world is a malicious trap, why not just cut your losses via suicide?”

My response to this is layered. The first argument is that suicide looks like such an obvious, simple and tempting option, if I were Satan, I would have built in strong safeguards against it – basically, those opting for it would have a much worse situation to deal with afterwards. Who knows what kind of a contract we had to accept by incarnating here, and what’s in the fine print. I don’t know, and I prefer to err on the side of caution. Let’s just assume that suicide might imply acceptance of all kinds of additional karmic attachments and retributive elements that we might very much wish to avoid.

The second argument is that self and body are joined in the incarnate state, and choosing to act against one might mean acting against the other, as well, with all the karmic consequences of such an action. Also not good.

The third argument is that we ended here despite this being a trap, which means it wasn’t obvious to us, for some reason. This implies that whatever reasons, that didn’t prevent our entrapment in the first place, might still exist, and unless we develop understanding that gives us resistance against it, we might end up being returned, and possibly in a worse situation than the one we have now. Take this very seriously, because now you know about me and you are reading this, and almost nobody on Earth knows about me, or cares. The odds are, you would be more lost, more confused, and who knows what else. In addition, Satan has an endless array of torments here for those who annoy him, and let’s assume that suicides make themselves karmically vulnerable to this. I think this is something we would want to avoid.

Hating this world and wanting to get out is, karmically speaking, not a decision against this world; only a consistent choice for God is a choice against this world, and I am pretty much certain that this is the only thing that would be interpreted as a liberating karmic choice. Basically, focus on God, and I don’t mean an idea about God. I mean God. This withdraws our spiritual energy from the world. Without us circulating power through the “electromagnet” of attraction, desire and attachment that holds us to the world, the world is released and we are emancipated from it.

Why things are a mess

I guess the main question I get asked once I describe what this world is and how it works, is why anyone would ever incarnate here? It’s obviously a death trap; you get here, you get lost and confused, you start investing energy in misplaced efforts, you get attached, and eventually you get destroyed, broken up for energy and recycled. The souls on the other side must either see it falsely advertised as something great, or they think the potential reward is worth the risk. At least this is the expectation based on things we have experience with in this world.

Let’s start with the difficult part: I don’t know how the first generation of souls was convinced that incarnating here was a good idea. That part is a mystery to me. If I had to guess, I would say there were no bad experiences yet, and no precedents to infer from. It must have seemed like just another innocent experience to learn from. Also, Satan probably advertised it as something of a challenge – let’s see if you will still be devoted to God if things are not made perfectly easy. It could have been advertised as a gym, or enlistment into the army; invest sweat, attain glory, or something similar. In essence, at this point the souls were perfectly ignorant of any possibility of actual harm, and although I don’t know how this first generation got drawn in, it’s not necessarily a complicated thing to understand. Some wanted to be away from God to be able to explore the concept, never having experienced anything like it. Some accepted the challenge. In any case, nobody seemed to have read or understood the fine print on the bottom of the contract. Also, it is unclear to me whether the illusion contained any significant attractors at this point, beside the concepts of novelty and challenge.

The next generation is easier to understand – the first generation got stuck, and since they iterated on certain paths, those paths started to acquire energy and became the first generation of attractors. Those were the basic things – social influence, acquisition of wealth, sex and reproduction. At this stage, if there were no initial attractors, this was probably still a Buddhist world, and by that I mean a place where your own attachments are powered by your own investments of spiritual energy. Later, as things progressed, and the illusory world itself gained more energy, the attractors became so powerful, they started to generate attachments. You can understand this process either as seeing the attractors as paths in a forest, where people will usually follow the path of least resistance, and the more people travel a certain path, the easier it gets for others to just go along the same path, because breaking through the brush is hard, and following a clear path is easy. Another way of understanding this is gravity – the more mass there is at a certain place, the more gravity it generates, attracting more mass. In any case, I would say that at first this place was a Buddhist samsara, but later, as the attractors grew in power, the main mechanism changed: the attractors started generating the “main stream” of desires in the incarnated souls, and these desires then further powered the attractors, and everything together created the bond of attachment.

It is easy to understand what happened next. Some thought that those caught in the dragnet were weak, and they thought they could do better. Some felt concern for those caught, and thought that if they come as well, they might help them get out. Eventually, some very significant souls tried to incarnate as beacons of light to teach others how to be saved, but they invariably got caught as well, and their spiritual energy created and powered the next generation of attractors. The greatest aggravation of the already bad problem started taking place when those big souls, in their incarnated deluded state, but instinctively driven by their love for God, started confusing God with the creator of the world, thinking they must be the same, because that would have been normal and expected. Pledging themselves to the Creator, they basically created a very weird situation that had no precedent so far: they basically gave the unholy Dickwad the amounts of energy he could have never even dreamt of having, and this created an entirely new generation of problems.

Some of these “spiritual jewels” were used to make the world more attractive from the outside, to offer promise of spiritual achievement and greatness. Some were used to power “laws” that worked within the world, giving them the appearance of divine sanction and supreme virtue. Some were used to power “spiritual experiences” within the illusion, to be granted to those who show most obedience and devotion to the Creator – and you can already guess where this leads. A significant amount of “jewels” was used to power the scripts that protected the system from interference, mostly by means of encouraging desired behaviour, and discouraging anything that could interfere, tamper with or harm the system. Since the “jewels” are not a generic, fungible mass of energy, but discrete entities of very specific properties, and since they were acquired under very specific conditions and adhered to specific rules, Dickwad used them to incrementally improve his illusion, to patch holes, introduce rules, offer rewards, punish transgressions and so on; the system contains many layers and structures, and the entire thing looks like an inelegant, anisotropic mess. Furthermore, Dickwad occasionally had to make concessions and compromises in order to retain the fig leaf of karmic innocence; forms had to be obeyed. If he had to dispose of someone inconvenient, it had to be made to look pretty. This then required additional patches and layers of misdirection to be put in place, and sometimes he had to change some of the rules and parameters when things started getting away from him. An example of this is when people start creating attractors that conflict with his purposes here; if a religion is formed that creates an attractor towards actual transcendence, he had to intervene to modify it, so that energy is invested into something that confuses the purpose and binds more than it liberates.

In any case, the process must be described as “iterative” and “inelegant”, and the resulting structure looks more than a crow’s nest or a beaver’s dam, than some elegant structure with clean lines and beautiful form. This, however, explains why this world looks like such an incoherent, inelegant mess; it’s because all kinds of forces tried to pull each in their own way, and the present layout is the way it is because of some compromise, or an ancient spiritual battlefield whose front lines were cemented into laws and borders, that were contested at some point, revised and patched up to offer a semblance of rationality rather than necessity and compromise.

The most counter-intuitive aspect of it all is that to improve this thing, one needs to make it much worse. If you try to disassemble this trap, you need to remove layers of control, powered by distinct “jewels”, and when you do that, it’s like removing air conditioning or plumbing from a building: things get worse, and sometimes they get much worse. If you deplete energy sources from false-religion scripts that provided false comfort for the slaves that are being sucked dry for energy, things get subjectively worse. If you remove the layers that perform fake karmic compensations and re-routing, things will start looking really, really bad. If you remove layers of illusion that make ugly and dangerous things look beautiful, it will seem as if you turned a beautiful world into a nightmarish hell. In reality, it was always a nightmarish hell, and the “beautiful”, “spiritual” and “fulfilling” things were all just bait on the hook, things that cover and misrepresent the reality of the hook, things that misrepresent the mousetrap as a heavenly feast. If one removes all the things that make this world a deadly, consistent, nightmarish place of all-but-certain doom, powers down all the energy conduits between various traps, illusions, rules, patches and cover-ups, if all of the stolen spiritual virtue and power is removed, and stops powering deadly illusions, what you end up with is the reality of this place – evil that is starved for your energy, offers you nothing but doom, is desperately pathetic in its emptiness and mockery, and shows complete failure of any alternative to God, and to the world as God made it.

The good part is, there already is a perfect world, the real world, and it was here long before this place was even conceived in the mind of Satan. This place doesn’t need to be improved, or made better. It needs to not exist at all.

Of hell and good intentions

Through the years, I kept casually mentioning several things that I deliberately left poorly defined – the “scripts”, “global system”, “structures”, “attractors” and so on. This is not an accidental omission; it’s just hard stuff to explain even to experienced, trained yogis with years of hands-on experience with inner space work, constructing and deconstructing tulpas and so on. Instead of laying down the entire theoretical framework behind the terms, I simply used the terms and postponed explanations for some other time, when I would retroactively fill in the gaps. I guess that time is now, at least in part.

What you need to understand is that I already explained the most important parts. For instance, the fact that this world isn’t real in the sense hardware is real, but in the sense software is real, is the most important piece of the puzzle. The laws governing this world are “astral”; meaning, they are laid out in terms of an actually real world that pre-existed this one, and still exists as a higher kind of reality. I’m using the term “astral” because it’s a term from Theosophy and is used in literature that you might be familiar with, but what I’m pretty sure you aren’t familiar with is how it all actually works. In any case, I could say “real” instead of “astral”, but then I think the word would convey even less meaning, so I’ll leave it at that. By “astral” I don’t mean exactly what the theosophers do; their “astral level” is merely a very low part of the reality-spectrum I have in mind. My “astral” encompasses their astral, mental and all the way up the spectrum, until they lose intellectual resolution; in fact, when I say “astral world”, imagine the level of reality the highest part of the near-death experiences takes place, the place beyond the “tunnel”, in levels of subtlety starting with those resembling Earth, but soon departing from strictness of form to resemble the spiritual worlds as described in the Bhagavata-purana, and then going all the way into the highest spectrum of that, the extremely high energy of the “weapons” and attributes of the Gods, the way Krishna smiles, or a Dakini touches you and you lose illusions and the horizon of reality opens, or the way a Bodhisattva feels compassion and creates a tulku. If you have some of that in experience, you have a chance of understanding what I’m talking about; if not, you don’t. It’s as simple as that; communication can only work if you have enough personal experience to work with. But let’s move on. This “physical” world doesn’t have physical laws and rules. What physicists perceive as “laws” is merely a result of the actual laws creating secondary consequences.

Have in mind that what I’m telling you now has to be improvised in order to convey understanding, but the imagery I’m using is not strict; it’s all akin to a fairy-tale that tries to convey a message, in which sense it’s true, but it’s not true in the strictest meaning of the word.

So, let’s say that God manifested the relative world with relative beings, and we can call this the astral world and spiritual beings. Let’s say that those beings evolved through a process of aggregation of karmic substance, made of kalapas, that are the ephemeral, tiniest imaginable glimpses of the Absolute in the relative; the particles of sat-cit-ananda, if you want. A small aggregation of karmic substance looks like a wisp of astral light, a flower or a bee, something that has substance and continuity. A large aggregation of karma looks like a thinking being, someone contemplating philosophy and meaning and beauty, a being of reason and profound emotion, praising the light of God with self-awareness. Start here and go deeper, much deeper, and you get angelic beings that are in tune with the will of God and manifest it in specific ways and forms. Start with understanding a specific will of God, progress in that way long enough, and you get to be an embodiment of God’s nature, will and power, in one or several ways. God is not absence of lesser things, the way Vedanta would put it – no, it’s a concentration of reality, from small and rarefied wisps of smoke, to solid, and then to the density of the heart of a star, and then to a black hole. A black hole is not absence of things, it’s things concentrated so hard, that “hard” becomes too soft of a word. Mind of Shiva is, in that analogy, a black hole, spiritual substance so condensed by the “desire” of kalapas of karmic substance to be closer to the Absolute, that the relative reality warps in ways that make it indistinguishable from God. The breakthrough points where karmic substance attained extreme concentration start with vajra, and end with the endless depth of the spirit of God.

So, when I say that God “wanted” something, or “said” something, or “made” something, do understand that I’m telling you fairy-tales as if you were children, because I can’t tell you what I actually see and I can’t convey to you the way I actually perceive things.

So, in my fairy-tale, God created the “real world” with real beings that evolved there to become able to be more of God. God also created a structure I will call the Jewel, whose purpose is to allow the beings to be creative and experiment with creating different worlds with different rules, and he put a wise being, let’s call him Sentinel, in charge of determining if requests for access to the Jewel are reasonable, just and safe. I don’t know how many times the Jewel was used to create experimental world-types and worlds within those types; maybe never, maybe many times with no bad consequences.

However, one being of not very high spiritual stature, let’s call him Dickwad, started to develop resentment and jealousy of beings more spiritually powerful than himself, and started thinking that this isn’t “fair” and “just” – since God is One in all things, it is not fair that only very few concentrate such incredible spiritual magnitude, and that everybody should be equal, and God would be the emergent property of them all interacting as equals, on the same level of magnitude. He thought that, if all were somehow limited to the same rules on a “fair” playing field, and the super-powerful souls couldn’t access what he saw as “their tricks” (for instance, Shiva or Krishna meditating so deeply that all reality converged into them to worship God who was more visible in them than in all of the rest of reality), everybody would be the same; basically, he created an entire philosophy around belief that if big penises were somehow outlawed, he’d finally be seen as normal. So, he developed his small-dick philosophy of resentment, but didn’t get far, because his soul was small, his intellect was limited, and his spiritual abilities were not up to the task of figuring out what he actually wanted to achieve, but he wanted to make the big God-like souls humiliated, he wanted to show everybody that there are different and better ways of understanding the will of God, and he thought that this discovery will make him important, because he didn’t like the fact that nobody paid attention to him because he was relatively small and devoid of any significance.

So, as his ideas became more defined, Dickwad at one point approached Sentinel and asked for permission to create a world where all beings would have an equal playing ground, where the powerful ones couldn’t overpower the weaker ones, and where power could be increased only by cooperation, because he thought that cooperation of equals would produce a superior manifestation of God as an emergent property. Sentinel looked at Dickwad with exactly the look of condescending pity Dickwad hated, because that’s how everybody looked at him, and studied his intentions and motives deeply. Sentinel understood that Dickwad felt resentment because he was small and unimportant, and didn’t want to be small and unimportant, and yet didn’t want to see that he had to invest effort in changing for the better, instead trying to change others so that he wouldn’t feel small. He thought that nothing good would come out of Dickwad’s proposed experiment, but he also didn’t foresee any possible harm. Another being (let’s call him Objectioner), however, did, and offered a very grim evaluation of the possible dangers that could arise from creating artificial limitations that would be forced upon souls in order to satisfy Dickwad’s desire for limiting others. His perspective was that God lies in the direction of less limitation, not more, but since evil was not known or experienced at this point, he could not precisely point out the possible bad consequences of such a thing. His argument was that by definition the proposed world would require other souls’ participation, and limitations imposed upon them would be harmful by definition, because evolution of the soul is achieved by revelation of truth and removal of limitations and restrictions.

Sentinel first observed the Objectioner, and saw that he was sincere in his concerns, and that he foresaw great danger that he could not precisely articulate because there was no historical precedent. He then studied Dickwad, and saw his great resentment of the Objectioner specifically, and all other souls greater than himself in general, and understood that this resentment was the actual problem, and thought that were he to deny his request, Dickwad would fester in his resentment, unable to grow past it, and it would be his undoing in quite a literal sense, so to him it was a choice between allowing Dickwad to experimentally see his mistake and have the opportunity to grow from the experience, or to deny him and leave him with the impression that all great souls are hostile to him and that he doesn’t matter, which would eventually cause disintegration of his spiritual body. This danger was concrete and well understood, unlike the dangers Objectioner pointed out. Since Dickwad was small and weak, his entire karmic body of less substance and quality than the smallest ornament of Lord Shiva, it was very hard for Sentinel to imagine him as a real danger to anyone; if anything, Dickwad was the only one who was in danger here, as he saw it.

Objectioner saw this line of thought, and stated that Dickwad was indeed small and impotent, but the Jewel was great and powerful, being the crystallisation of the will and power of the transcendental Absolute, but without free will of his own. If the small, resentful soul of Dickwad was put in charge of the Jewel, Dickwad would be able to wield power and influence far exceeding his spiritual magnitude, with consequences that are difficult to imagine prior to the fact, due to the lack of precedent, but there is obviously a profound meaning behind the fact that spiritual magnitude and power are so tightly correlated, and so beings that would be so foolish and immature as to abuse power are always too small to actually have any power to abuse in the first place.

Again, Sentinel looked deeply into Objectioner, and saw that his concerns are profound, and founded in what appeared to be vague foresight, but he saw the matter as inherently trivial, the way a school teacher would perceive a student’s request for access to the library computer, and weighed serious but vague concerns over Dickwad’s very real spiritual illness. He was also preoccupied with other, seemingly more spiritually important matters, and this matter didn’t seem to deserve his full attention. He decided to grant access, but with certain limitations. Dickwad wanted the higher ones (looking pointedly at Objectioner) to be prohibited from interfering in his world, unless they want to participate in it, on equal grounds. He also wanted access to his world to be open to everyone, and unrestricted, as a fair playground for all souls who agree to the rules. Sentinel agreed, but with conditions of his own. This experiment will be limited. Since “time” was not a clearly defined or linear concept, limitations were set in in-world terms, but it was clearly understood that this experimental universe will not be open-ended, limiting the extent of damage if Objectioner’s concerns prove to be warranted. Dickwad grudgingly agreed, but demanded that the exact conditions of the world-termination are to be secret and not ever revealed. Sentinel agreed, and Dickwad was given command over the Jewel. Objectioner felt deep dismay, because he was convinced that this was a grave danger, which could no longer be prevented. Thinking that the entire thing is finished, Sentinel shifted his focus to what he thought were much more important things.

As for Dickwad, he accessed the Jewel, which accepted his authority and command, and his first command was to create a completely private environment around them, where he could think, plan and issue commands without either interference or disclosure. As this was done, the Jewel became the only witness to their further communications, and to Dickwad’s private thoughts. The next command was to simulate possible worlds, that conformed to Dickwad’s desired parameters, to see what is actually possible and what would have outcomes closest to what he desired. Unlike Dickwad, the Jewel can actually think, formulate mathematically clear ideas and execute them. He doesn’t have a will of his own, but he felt Dickwad’s arrogance and envy, and felt pain that he was ordered to obey a person so far in nature from the Lord, but it was in his nature to obey all legitimate orders, and Sentinel was authorized by the Lord to grant access, and he granted access to Dickwad, so Dickwad was now to be obeyed. Dickwad was already drunk with power and ordered the Jewel to address him as Master, but the Jewel ignored this; it was one thing to be ordered to obey an unworthy soul, but a different thing entirely to change allegiance. To simulate outcomes, however, was a legitimate order, so he obeyed, but the orders were evil and incoherent. He had to create a world where souls will have a limited access to God, where the only path to power will be through either cooperation with or dominance of others, and he did many variations within those parameters, and the outcome was invariably some nightmarish hell, where the beings were lost, confused, deluded and suffering. As he offered options, Dickwad narrowed down the parameters, but he was far from being omnipotent in this regard, because he had serious limitations. First, he had to avoid doing anything that is against God’s law, at least directly. Every command he issued needed to sound like something that had a legitimate purpose, or he would be punished. This means that every command he issued needed to be consistent with what he told Sentinel, because there was a very narrow line of legitimacy that each order needed to follow in order to be executed. Eventually, a simulated line was chosen and actualised.

You see, people have a very naive idea about how Satan works. They think Satan will do all evil things, promote all evil choices, and they think he is someone they can blame for their actions, as if he micro-managed their lives in order to make them into hell. No. Satan had to watch his step very carefully and act like a skilled lawyer, creating what I call “scripts”. Those are in fact orders given to the Jewel, defining some rule that is to be implemented upon the world. For instance, he states that privileges in the system are defined by a person’s level of access, which are defined on a “token” that accompanies a soul during incarnation. He then defines a system of seemingly legitimate rules according to which one is granted privileges, and it all must be perfectly legal – you do good and useful things, and you get permissions. Also, you do things against your level of permissions, and you get punished by the system. However, time is not part of the equation, and people expect certain things – for instance, that action will be immediately followed by the consequence. What actually happens is that another script can postpone consequences in certain conditions, which is also formulated in perfectly legitimate-sounding terms. As a result, you can have good action A creating a c(A) consequence, and an evil action B creating c(B). A second script, based on token evaluation for the incarnated soul, determines the timing of consequences. So, the way Satan deludes you into thinking you’re on a wrong path when you’re doing good is by delaying c(A) to immediately follow B, and postponing c(B). This creates the subjective appearance that an evil action has an approval from God and has beneficial consequences. Complicated equations, such as good person G being tricked into transferring permissions to person F, which then commits betrayal and transfers those permissions to the evil person E, which then interprets the resulting wealth and impunity as approval of his path and choices, and leaves the person G in a position where he no longer has any permissions on the system and is continuously “karmically punished” for “transgressions” of all kinds. The scripts then punish the person F, but that person is irrelevant at this point and this doesn’t change outcomes in any way. Eventually, the person E is also punished, but at this point all the evil has been done and has an entire array of consequences. The person G is good and blameless, but had to suffer greatly, and this had consequences, too.

A similar situation would be where a script is designed to evaluate intents and actions separately, with a justification that one should be rewarded for good intentions regardless of the actual consequences (for instance, surgeon operating in order to save a patient, but the patient still dies), and that good results should be rewarded regardless of intentions in order to promote good deeds; for instance, someone intends to do evil but accidentally does good, and is rewarded for doing good. All sounds legitimate enough to pass normal scrutiny. However, then you introduce other script, also legitimate – reward obedience to God. Intentionally define God vaguely, because incarnated souls are not clairvoyant and coherent enough to have a good definition of God, either. Also sounds very legitimate. Then a person appears who states that God is the all-powerful creator of the world. Is rewarded by the script, because obedient to God. Reward is interpreted as confirmation of truth by himself and others. However, the definition of God as stated points to our friend Dickwad. As a result, some very good and pious soul pledges eternal allegiance to Dickwad and his plans for this world. As a result, spiritual/karmic power of that person is now something Dickwad can use to power “attractors” in the world, meaning, things that appear to be good and beneficial and which the souls will want to acquire. The ultimate purpose behind the attractors will be for the world to achieve the ultimate purpose he intended from the beginning, and the capsules of karmic energy can be legally used to power them.

So, basically, a combination of the initial ruleset, scripts and attractors does all the work. Dickwad himself does absolutely nothing directly, other than issue orders to the Jewel to create/alter scripts, which are carefully worded as to be perfectly legal and legitimate, and result in terrible consequences only in practical interaction. This is akin to creating a mine field in a carefully designated area, fenced away to be demonstrably of no harm; then order someone to spray the “Danger, mines!” sign with mud, purportedly to test resistance of paint to abrasion, and then send another person to wash the sign with strong abrasive, because it’s important that the sign be clearly visible. Then the other person washes away both mud and paint from the sign, which now shows nothing. You then order another person to inspect the area, and if a piece of land seems to be fenced off for no reason, reclaim the fence for raw material, because recycling is good, but if there’s a sign, obey it. Then someone eventually loses a leg or gets killed in the minefield, and you can claim surprise and say it’s not your fault. People will be suspicious of you, but it will be very hard to prove anything if you’re skilled enough, and Dickwad on his own might not be skilled enough, but he’s evil enough, and the Jewel, he’s definitely skilled enough to process orders to sound perfectly legitimate if ordered to. Also, there is of course a script that punishes you for suspecting Dickwad of something if you can’t prove it.

So, basically, that’s why we never actually had a situation where Satan did evil things personally, and we could have a situation where he’s happily dead for decades or centuries and his scripts and attractors do all the work, until the unknown terms of expiration from the beginning are met. And that, children, is how I can say that Satan is dead, and at the same time that we are being thoroughly fucked by satanic things. It only looks like a contradiction if you’re completely ignorant of the actual mechanisms involved.


(I initially wrote this in Croatian in the comment section, but I’m translating it here due to relevance)

I am normally disinclined to refer to biblical prophecies, having noticed that all kinds of mentally questionable characters refer to it even when it makes no sense or reason, but on the other hand, when they started conditioning access to infrastructure with vaccination, the parallels with Revelation and the “brand of the Beast” without which one will be unable to either buy or sell became inevitable, and when I see what is going on in the West, the orgies of Antichrist, Beast, Whore and the False Prophet immediately come to mind, although their respective identities are more difficult to ascertain. 🙂 I would be inclined to say that “Science” is the False Prophet, performing false miracles to undermine faith in God and spirituality. Antichrist is the ideology of “emancipation” through material things, through the mania of shopping and preening with material wealth with absolute contempt and neglect of the transcendental. The Whore is the Christian Church that whored itself out by adopting all kinds of ideologies of faggotry and “modernity”, and what is the Beast, well, in my opinion it is whatever Satanic still exists in this world, starved for energy, and desperately trying to devour the souls that have the misfortune to be incarnated in this hell at this time, in order to extend its life for yet another moment.

All in all, anyone can make an interpretation according to their own taste, but it is very difficult to negate the fact that we are in the last times where all kinds of spiritual depravity, villainy and perversion are prominent, and the greatest success is to avoid ruin.