Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2012-01-24 09:00:14
Grupe: hr.soc.politika
Tema: Re: Zašto Ameri donose zakone po kojima j
Linija: 80
Message-ID: jfloee$bl7$

Hash: SHA512

On 01/24/2012 02:55 AM, Deadly Dirk wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 02:09:17 +0100, Hellraiser wrote:
>> > Što je najbolje, uspjeli su i cijeli svijet uvjerit da je skidanje
>> > pjesme odvratna krađa
> Da, zaista! Zamisli molim te, ti bi pjesnici i autori zeljeli zaraditi na 
> svojim pjesmama, umjesto da im bude dovoljna cinjenica da su umjetnici. 
> Bas su sasavi ti Amerikanci, misle da je besplatno posluzivanje tudjim 
> intelektualnim vlasnistvom kradja. Zasto bi Eric Clapton, Robert Plant, 
> Peter Gabriel ili Mark Knopfler zaradjivali na svojim pjesmuljcima? Mi 
> smo sultani swinga, mi cemo to besplatno

Not really.

"The RIAA and MPAA are not angry because artists are losing money, they
are angry because they are losing money. Worse than that, artists no
longer need companies to back them. The age of splitting sales 80/20 is
gone, and the record companies are panicking.  An artist can set up a
website, sell their own music or even provide it for free or let the
consumer decide how much they want to pay (as artists such as
‘Radiohead’ are doing) and because their music is free, it can spread
quickly by word of mouth, and an artist can make a very comfortable
living off of selling concert tickets to live performances. Movie
producers such as Sam Bozzo (producer of the documentary ‘Blue Gold :
World Water Wars’) embraced the uploading of his film to pirating sites
because it helped him get the message of his film out to people who
wouldn’t be able to get it, and after asking for optional donations, the
money began to flow in. It’s been done before, and media conglomerates
are afraid it may become the norm, so they grab onto whatever they can
as an excuse – in this case piracy."

"But what is truly unique about the film is not just the controversial
story of John Oldman. It's the fact that the film producers have
embraced internet piracy and thanked illegal downloaders for helping to
spread the buzz about the movie."

"Piracy is not all that bad for musicians. In fact, research has shown
that less popular artists actually profit from piracy. This can be
concluded from, and is supported by several studies. Frustrated as they
are, the music industry claims that they lose millions a year due to
piracy, but is this really the case?

Two facts:

Album sales are declining.
75% of all artists profit from filesharing.
Several studies have shown that most artists actually profit from
unauthorized sharing of files. They sell more albums because people have
the opportunity to download songs and entire albums for free. A study by
Blackburn (2004), a PhD student from Harvard, found that the 75% of the
artist actually profit from piracy. Blackburn reports that the most
popular artist (top 25%) sell less records. However, the remaining 75%
of all artists actually profit from filesharing."

I za kraj, da citiram svoju jučerašnju poruku s jedne druge grupe,
"...nikad nisam kupovao toliko legalnih DVDa s filmovima kao otkad sam
počeo skidati divxe. Naprosto skinem nekakav torrent, i ako mi se svidi
film kupim DVD, lijen sam ići u videoteku a ne da mi se gledati stvar u
nekoj žnj kvaliteti. I sad bi oni meni zabranili skidanje tih "demo"
verzija filmova zato što kakti štite industriju, ono, imaju drskosti
izračunavati "štetu" koju sam nanio njihovoj filmskoj industriji."

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