Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2011-08-09 13:17:43
Grupe: hr.soc.politika,hr.soc.religija
Tema: Progon nemuslimana u islamu
Linija: 59
Message-ID: j1r50o$2na$

Hash: SHA512

On 08/09/2011 12:54 PM, Danijel Turina wrote:
> Ne, točno je tako kako sam rekao i dokazi upravo bodu u oči. Pogledaj si
> bilo koju islamsku zemlju pa mi reci gdje je tamo multikulturalnost.
> Tamo je izbor islam ili smrt. Doslovno to ide po sistemu da kako se
> netko uz Muhameda usudi imati drugu religiju, jel to znači da ne
> prihvaća Muhameda za proroka, a ako ne prihvaća, to je uvreda Muhamedu
> za što je kazna smrt. Eto to ti je islam. Ne "fundamentalistički", nego
> obični.

Bojim se da ljudi na zapadu malo znaju o tim stvarima pa treba poraditi
na informiranju.

"India?s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia has sent a circular to Indian
nationals, warning them that Indians are increasingly being detained for
engaging in religious activities, according to Indo-Asia News.

The ambassador advised them not to preach in any way or organise prayer
meetings in private homes. He also told the Indian government to warn
everyone leaving for the Saudi Kingdom to leave behind religious books,
Bibles, photos or icons, AsiaNews has reported."

"Practicing any religion other than Wahhabi fundamentalist Islam has
been outlawed by the Saudi government. All missionary activity or public
expression of faith, including possessing Bibles, holding a rosary,
wearing a crucifix, and praying in public, is banned, AsiaNews report.
The Muttawa makes sure the law is forcefully adhered to and AsiaNews
report that the use of violence and torture to impose the restrictions
has been used."'%C3%ADs

"The persecution of Baha'is is the religious persecution of Baha'is in
various countries, especially in Iran where the Baha'i Faith originated
and the location of one of the largest Baha'i populations in the world.
The origins of persecution stem from a variety of Baha'i teachings
inconsistent with traditional Islamic belief, including the finality of
Muhammad's prophethood, and places Baha'is outside the Islamic faith.
Thus Baha'is are seen as apostates from Islam, and, according to some,
must choose between repentance and death."

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