Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2011-07-29 18:47:31
Grupe: hr.soc.religija
Tema: Re: Attorney for polygamist leader hints defense will be based on
Linija: 35
Message-ID: j0uo73$ngt$

Hash: SHA512

On 7/29/11 5:24 PM, Melissa wrote:
>  San Angelo, USA - The first hint of polygamist sect leader Warren
>  Jeffs' defense came Monday when his attorney said his right to freedom
>  of religion was trampled by Texas prosecutors, who claim he sexually
>  assaulted two underage girls after manipulating them into so-called
>  "spiritual marriages."
> Jury selection began Monday in the case of the 55-year-old
> ecclesiastical head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of
> Latter Day Saints, an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes
> polygamy brings exaltation in heaven. The church's 10,000 members
> believe Jeffs is a prophet who speaks for God on Earth.

Mormoni su idiotska sekta, to nema veze s poligamijom. Poligamija bi
bila kad imaš frajera koji ima više žena ili ženu koja ima više muževa,
dakle kad se oni zbroje međusobno, a kad imaš šefa sekte koji određuje
tko se tu s kim treba oženiti, a stvar uključuje maloljetnike, to naglo
postaje potpuno druga problematika, slična katoličkoj pedofiliji nego
poligamnom braku. Dakle ovo je kao da tebi u tvojoj pravoslavnoj fazi
neki pop odrađuje koga trebaš ženiti i onda ti nađe dvije curice od 16
godina i veli da ako ih ne jebeš, ne možeš u raj. To je najbliža analogija.

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