Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2011-06-03 23:31:03
Grupe: hr.soc.religija
Tema: Re: Mrtvog mamuta
Linija: 88
Message-ID: isbjqm$n2k$

Hash: SHA512

On 6/3/11 10:57 PM, manta wrote:
> Pogledaj još jednom:
> Takvu preciznost kod bacanja koplja ne možeš ni sanjati. Vjerujem da s
> tim čudom možeš gađati u nogometni gol na susjednoj strani igrališta.

Ne samo to, nego su današnji strijelci koji to koriste priučeni, i
njihova oružja su sigurno slabije optimizirana u usporedbi s razinom
vještine i tehnike s kojom su raspolagali lovci iz pleistocena kojima je
život o tome ovisio. Moja procjena o sto metara je konzervativna.
Recimo, današnji strijelci ne mogu shvatiti kako su Azteci atlatlom
probijali Španjolcima oklop, ali jesu (čini se da je izvor sam Cortez),
zato što su autohtoni strijelci s tim vježbali po cijele dane, i imali
su fore koje ne može poloviti netko tko je stvar rekonstruirao s
pećinskih crteža.

"The atlatl may be one of the first compound weapons that is, a tool
used to enhance human power. While the earliest archeological evidence
is 25,000 years old, it is believed that atlatl has been in use for some
40,000 years.

The effectiveness of this weapon allowed early humans to hunt Ice Age
mega-fauna such as the Mammoth and Wooly Rhino.

Eventually, the development of bow supplanted the atlatl as the weapon
of choice because the bow was more compact, easier to carry and quieter.
Also, with the mega-fauna gone through a likely combination of hunting
and climate change, the smaller mammals did not require the penetrative
power of the atlatl to bring down."

"In the 16th Century, when the Spanish Conquistadors invaded Central
America, the Aztecs re-adopted the atlatl (which is where we get the
word from) because of its incredible power. They weren't able to compete
against the Spaniard's firearms but many a Conquistador was surprised to
have an armor-piercing dart pass completely through their steel
breastplates; both front and back."

"In the early 1980's, "Atlatl Bob" Perkins of Montana State University
began studying the atlatl and, through "reconstructive anthropology",
began building and using atlatl. It seems that archaeologists had
concluded that the atlatl really wasn't a very good weapon. But when Bob
started actually working with them he learned that by using a flexible
dart instead of the rigid darts that the professional archaeologists had
been using, the atlatl was revealed to be a very efficient weapon indeed."

"Ancient Aztec weapons were among the greatest of the Aztec
accomplishments. The atlatl, in particular, was an important development
used extensively in Aztec warfare. These Aztec weapons, which were also
known as the ?spear thrower,? were the primary weapons used by Aztec
warriors during warfare. The atlatl helped the Aztec warriors gain
leverage in order to achieve greater velocity when throwing spears. This
made the spear far more deadly than when thrown with arm power alone.
These Aztec weapons were made with a shaft and a hook. The butt of the
spear rested within the shaft. When the spear was thrown using the
atlatl, it was capable of going more than 100 meters.

Aztec warriors continued to improve upon the atlatl through the years.
These amazing Aztec weapons became so powerful, in fact, the Spanish
conquistadors feared the Aztec atlatl more than any other weapon. This
was with good cause, as the atlatl was capable of easily penetrating the
Spanish metal armor. The weapon was so effective that it often passed
completely through the conquistador?s body. In addition to using a wide
variety of specialized Aztec weapons, large Aztec war shields helped
prevent the warriors from being harmed by the enemy."

Dakle ono što sam ja napisao u izvornom tekstu nije ni po čemu
kontroverzno, to je naprosto "common knowledge" u antropološkim
krugovima, jedino što se bahati i priglupi Dejanović u ništa ne razumije
a svuda se gura. Idealno bi bilo pobrisati sav njegov "doprinos" threadu
i vratiti se na moju izvornu poruku i stvarnu temu s koje on pokušava
skrenuti pažnju svojim pivopijskim distrakcijama.

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