Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2011-05-07 08:12:57
Grupe: hr.soc.religija
Tema: Re: Icke about Obama&Osama
Linija: 43
Message-ID: iq2nt7$ost$

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On 5/7/11 2:04 AM, Den wrote:
> Nisam baš neki obožavatelj Davida Ickea, ali zbilja mi se dopao njegov 
> duhoviti komentar zbivanja oko Bin Ladena. Podsjetio me pod kolikim smo 
> utjecajem medija, da čak iako pamtimo kako je lažljiva politika koja 
> kontrolira protok informacija, napose američka, ipak moramo stalno ulagati 
> napore da ne povjerujemo njihovim hipnotičkim trikovima, i branimo se svim 
> raspoloživim sredstvima. Evo prenosim ga: 
> A Fairy Story by David Icke 
> Now children, are you sitting comfortably? Then your government will begin. 
> Once upon a time there were three little pigs and they all sprouted wings. 
> One little pig did not have a birth certificate so they faked one very 
> badly so he could say he was the Big Pig and live with his snout in a 
> trough in his little, well, not so little, white house. One day Big Pig, 
> who was really only doing what he was told to save his bacon, announced 
> that a naughty man who had died a long time ago had died again. The naughty 
> man was very clever to do this, but he was well known for his little 
> tricks. For years after he died the first time he still managed to speak on 
> new videos and tell the people just how naughty he was. Then another little 
> pig said that the naughty man had been thrown into the sea and so the 
> people could not see his face and know that the Big Pig was telling the 
> truth. But everyone with a brain knew that the Big Pig never told the truth 
> and so they knew that Big Pig was telling more porkies. Big Pig and the 
> little pigs showed the people a picture that was made up to fool lots of 
> them, and, unfortunately, children, this was usually not very difficult to 
> do. The End. 

I kao i obično, lik LAŽE. Tak Icke zvuči kao trasheri. Kad ogoliš jadni
pokušaj humora, dobiješ laž i klevetu, dobiješ zlo.

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