Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2011-03-23 09:24:23
Grupe: hr.soc.religija,bih.soc.religija,
Tema: Re: Božja prijetnja Samariji (Hošea
Linija: 62
Message-ID: imcanm$4mv$

Hash: SHA1

On 03/23/2011 09:04 AM, Branimir Maksimovic wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 01:02:20 -0700 (PDT)
> Marvin Barley  wrote:
>> Hošea 14.1
>> Ispaštat će Samarija
>>     jer se protiv Boga svoga
>>     pobunila.
>> Od mača past će oni,
>>     djecu će njihovu smrskati,
>>     žene trudne rasporiti.
>> Ovo je Riječ Gospodnja. Bogu hvala.
>> This is the Word of God. Thanks to God.
>> Amen.
> Odvratan je taj Bog kom se molis...

Lik se ne razumije previše u povijest.

"The account in 2 Kings 17:4 states that Shalmaneser arrested Hoshea,
then laid siege to Samaria; some scholars explain that Shalmaneser must
have summoned Hoshea to his court to explain the missing tribute, which
resulted in the imprisonment of the king of Israel, and the Assyrian
army sent into his land. Regardless of the sequence of events, the
Assyrians captured Samaria after a siege of three years. However,
Shalmaneser died shortly after the city fell, and the Assyrian army was
recalled to secure the succession of Sargon II. The land of Israel,
which had resisted the Assyrians for years without a king, again
revolted. Sargon returned with the Assyrian army in 720 BC, and pacified
the province, deporting the citizens of Israel beyond the Euphrates
(some 27,290 according to the inscription of Sargon II), and settling
people from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath and Sepharvaim in their place
(2 Kings 17:6, 24). The author of the Books of Kings states this
destruction occurred "because the children of Israel sinned against the
Lord" (2 Kings 17:7-24), not because of a political miscalculation on
Hoshea's part."

To ti je tipični "retcon" kod Židova; kad im se desi nešto loše, unazad
smišljaju nešto čime su uvrijedili svog nadrkanog Boga pa ih je zatukao.
Bojim se da je to općeniti problem sa svim semitskim monoteizmima;
jedina alternativa takvom stavu bi bilo uviđanje da je svemir daleko
kompleksniji nego se to njima čini, i da su njihove ideje o
transcendentalnom djetinjaste i pogrešne.

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