Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2011-01-07 19:32:35
Grupe: hr.soc.religija
Tema: Re: "Strucnjak" ?
Linija: 29
Message-ID: ig7m83$vhb$

Hash: SHA512

On 01/07/2011 07:01 PM, Bozo Juretic wrote:
> "As taxes have risen, so has welfare dependency. In 1970, around 11
> percent of the adult population of Sweden was living off various forms
> of public handouts rather than work. In the summer of 2006 this figure
> had doubled to 22-23 percent. It is of course important to have public
> safety nets, but the high dependency on handouts is draining public
> resources. This is why Sweden has higher taxes than other modern nations
> but cannot offer higher pensions"

Ja u principu nemam ništa protiv plaćanja viših poreza ukoliko za to
nešto dobiješ, recimo državnu infrastrukturu kakva je u Švedskoj ili
Njemačkoj. Ali kod nas je situacija da plaćamo poreze kao u Švedskoj a
dobivamo državnu infrastrukturu kao u Nigeriji i Zimbabveu. Sve pojede
korupcija i zapošljavanje ogromnog, nepotrebnog državnog aparata koji
više smeta nego koristi. 90% tih baba po kancelarijama bi se dalo
zamijeniti nekim web formularom za unos podataka.

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