Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2010-12-09 14:57:46
Grupe: hr.soc.religija
Tema: Re: Temeljni nauk katolicke crkve
Linija: 92
Message-ID: idqn8p$6sk$

Hash: SHA512

On 12/09/2010 02:29 PM, Siniša Knežević wrote:
> Koliko kužim viba, zlo ima dva pola Lucifer-Ahriman i izvan njih dolazi
> spasitelj Krist.- " biće koje je donijelo impuls koji je neovisan o
> Luciferičkom
> i Ahrimaničkom polju djelovanja, dolazi 'izvan', iznad te domene.
> zato je Krist govorio da se *po njemu* dolazi"
> Iza tog Krista stoji SK?

Ne. Taj Krist *je* SK. Zapravo Štajner se pokušavao izmigoljiti iz
teozofskog svjetonazora koji je u tom smislu vrlo jasan, i koliko ja
vidim njegov doprinos je prije svega zamagljivanje koncepata, što meni
izgleda kao da bi se jebao a da mu ne uđe; s jedne strane mu je religija
manifestacija luciferijanskog, prosvjetiteljskog principa, pa mu je onda
luciferijanstvo zastranjenje, pa onda imaš Krista kao vanzemaljski,
kozmički entitet koji se upliće u ljudsku evoluciju "zaposjedanjem"
Isusa iz Nazareta prilikom krštenja u Jordanu, i djeluje kroz
luciferijanski princip a opet bez luciferijanskih iskušenja... ukratko,
kompletni mulj i izmotavanje. Cijela stvar izgleda kao namjerna
obfuskacija teozofije.

> Onda je ovaj dualni model zla put da skrene pozornost s prave naravi zla...

Gle, Štajnerov doprinos cijeloj stvari je bezvrijedan, otprilike kao što
je bezvrijedan njegov doprinos kardiologiji s teorijom da krv tjera
srce. Koncept Ahrimana je pokupio od zoroastrijanskog dualizma i
pripisao mu proizvoljna svojstva, koncept Lucifera je preuzeo od
teozofije i razdvojio ga na Krista i Lucifera, i nešto nebitno je
filozofirao oko toga. Kad si upućen u teozofiju, onda ti je očita
pozadina Štajnerovih "otkrivenja", ali ovi lokalni štajnerovci očito
nisu čitali ni Blavatsku ni Bessanticu pa ne znaju od koga je taj njihov
"guru" sve to pokupio i kasnije prezentirao obučeno u drugačiju ambalažu
uz dodatak par osobnih fantazija i tlapnji. Kad vidiš Štajnerov
"kristocentrični" pogled na evoluciju religije, svakome tko je upućen u
teozofiju odmah je jasno kako ovome funkcionira logika, i daj sad u
svjetlu onoga što sam u prethodnim porukama o tome napisao pročitaj
sljedeći Štajnerov tekst:

"Whose concern, then, is the life of Christ Jesus from the thirtieth to
the thirty-third year? It is not the concern of the individuality who
went from incarnation to incarnation, but of that Individuality who from
out of the Cosmos entered into the body of Jesus of Nazareth; the
concern of an Individuality, a Being who was never before connected with
the earth, who from out of the Universe connected Himself with a human
body. In this sense the event which took place between the thirtieth and
thirty-third years of the life of Christ Jesus, between the John-Baptism
and the Mystery of Golgotha, are those of the Divine Being, Christ, not
of a man."

"Let this fact work upon you with its full weight; then you will
understand that this incarnation of the Christ in Jesus of Nazareth was
something that concerned Christ Himself."

"Now let us suppose that at a certain point of time in life the Ego were
to go out from a human organism, so that there stood before us physical,
etheric and astral bodies, but not the Ego. This is what happened in the
case of Jesus of Nazareth in the thirtieth year of His life. The human
Ego then left this cohesion of physical, etheric and astral bodies. And
into this cohesion the Christ-Being entered at the Baptism in Jordan. We
now have the physical, etheric and astral bodies of a man, and the
Christ-Being. The Christ-Being had now taken up His abode in a human
organism, as otherwise the Ego would have done. What now differentiates
this Christ Jesus from all other men on Earth? It is this: that all
other men bear within them an Ego that once was overcome by Lucifer's
temptation, but Jesus no longer bears an Ego within Him; instead, He
bears the Christ-Being. So that from this time, beginning with the
Baptism in Jordan, Jesus bears within Himself the residual effects that
had come from Lucifer, but with no human Ego to allow any further
Luciferic influences to enter his body. A physical body, an etheric
body, and astral body — in which the residue of the earlier Luciferic
influences was present, but into which no more Luciferic influence could
enter — and the Christ-Being: thus was Christ Jesus constituted."

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