Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2010-12-09 12:43:04
Grupe: hr.soc.religija
Tema: Re: kako vrag želi da ga se doživljava
Linija: 119
Message-ID: idqfc9$g5$

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On 12/09/2010 12:12 PM, Bunić Stjepan wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Dec 2010 02:56:20 -0800 (PST), vib wrote:
>>>> upravo zbog ovog gore Den i ja ka emo da je Turina opsjednut demonom
>>>> la i,
>>> A vi dva ste takvi duhovni i intelektualni autoriteti da emo va e
>>> mi ljenje sasvim sigurno shvatiti jako ozbiljno.
>> a kako ćeš shvatiti to što Turina laže - ozbiljno ili neozbiljno?
>> piše ti tamo crno na bijelo šta je lagao, da ne bi bilo zabune.
>> jesi u stanju to pročitati?
> Je, lagao je da krv ne pumpa srce. 
> :)

Kad netko mene optužuje da lažem možeš biti siguran da je upravo on taj
koji laže i obmanjuje.

"The duality of dark and light is emphasized over and over in the
curriculum due to Steiner's adoption of the ancient Persian Zoroastrian
religious concept of two gods, dark and light, whose conflict creates
the world. Steiner identified Lucifer as the god of light who inspires
art, reviving the Gnostic belief of Jehovah as villain and Lucifer as
hero and revealer of sacred mysteries. In the form of a serpent, Lucifer
had brought enlightenment when God denied the first couple the fruit of
the tree of knowledge to keep them ignorant. On the dark side, Ahriman
is Steiner's devil. I have uncovered the interesting fact that a group
of Gnostic's called Luciferans first appeared in the 14th century in
Steiner's homeland, Austria. I have a hunch that they are still present
today in Anthroposophy and the Waldorf curriculum. (Steiner was also
heavily influenced by Rosicrucianism, a secret society of the 17th and
18th century whose members claimed various occult lore and power.)"
Tekst sadrži mješavinu dubioznih i točnih tvrdnji pa ga treba uzeti sa
zrnom soli, ali svejedno:

"Master Dwaj Khul said through Bailey," when the Great One appears, he
will take the Mysteries religion preserved by Freemasonry and make them
public." The highest degree in freemasonry 33 brings one to the
illumination realization that Lucifer is actually God the one who brings
light and Adonai the God of the Bible is not the true god.

Rudolf Steiner of the Anthroposophical Society himself was a Luciferian
himself and his followers had rehabilitated Lucifer and separated him
from Satan. Lucifer was regarded as either amoral or good, and is the
bridge between Man and God. Satan, on the other hand, was evil... ."

"Secret initiations have always been part of the occult but what was
once hidden is now open. New Age leaders have gone public since 1975
have for over 20 years admitted that it is Lucifer, called both the
Solar God and Solar Logos, is whom the New Age actually serves. David
Spangler, for instance, has stated: Christ is the same force as
Lucifer... Lucifer prepares man for the experience of Christhood. (He
is) the great initiator.... Lucifer works within each of us to bring us
to wholeness, and as we move into a New Age ... each of us in some way
is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation ... for
it is an invitation into the New Age. (David Spangler reflections on the
Christ p.44-45) Clearly the Lucifer of this movement that wants to unite
all religions is the basis of operation for theosophy, Masonry,
Rosicrucianism, Bahai and numerous other false philosophies. It is a
fact if one goes through Lucifer to experience the Christhood he is
offering  if they come out they are scarred. Lucifer does not give man
freedom but slavery by blinding them with the light of initiation into

N. Sri Ram who often gave lectures at the United Nations, a major
Theosophist and writer for Lucifer Magazine, clarifies:

"The adversary or Satan is no other than Lucifer, the light bearer, the
bright Morning Star: He is the Initiator, awakening the divine faculties
of intellect on man. He is the king of the "Fallen Angels," Spirits from
higher spheres, who descended among primitive mankind of the Third Race,
“... to develop in man, and endow him with his self-conscious Mind, or

Theosophy teaches that Satan or Lucifer is actually a divine being who
saves human-kind and brings him consciousness. Many modern influential
New Agers who are deceived by Theosophy repeat the same theme. David
Spangler admits that Lucifer is a being that New Ager’s honour and the
light of Lucifer is the light of God (therefore Lucifer is their God):

"The true light of Lucifer cannot be seen through sorrow, through
darkness, through rejection. The true light of this great being can only
be recognized when one's own eyes can see with the light of the Christ,
the light of the inner sun. Lucifer works within each of us to bring us
to wholeness, and as we move into a new age, which is the age of man's
wholeness, each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term
the Luciferic initiation, the particular doorway through which the
individual must pass if he is to come fully into the presence of his
light and his wholeness ...” “Lucifer comes to give us the final gift of
wholeness. If we accept it, then he is free and we are free. That is the
Luciferic initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days
ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into the New Age. It is
an initiation of leaving the past and moving into the new, shedding our
guilt’s and fears, our anxieties, our needs, our temptations, and
becoming whole and at peace because we have recognized our inner light
and the light that enfolds us, the light of God."(62)

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