Autor: Danijel Turina Datum: 2010-12-08 17:36:55 Grupe: hr.soc.religija Tema: Re: Temeljni nauk katolicke crkve Linija: 46 Message-ID: idoc79$fvc$ |
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 On 12/08/2010 05:30 PM, Danijel Turina wrote: > Doduše s tim nije počeo Štajner nego > teozofi, oni su otvoreno pričali o tome da je Sanat Kumar, odnosno > Lucifer, poglavar Bijele Hijerarhije, da su nositelji njegovih energija > Krist i Buda, pa onda imaš nekakvu hijerarhiju preko Maha Čohana te > Čohana sedam zraka i pičke materine, ali Lucifer, Sanat Kumar, je u > teozofiji "jedini inicijator", svi inicijaciju primaju neposredno od > njega. "The Head of the Hierarchy is that lofty Being, the Lord of the World, who wills and orders all events on this globe for men and for angels. " "The King, as He is often named, is not an Adept of our humanity; the position which He holds is too lofty a one to be filled by any Adept of our human evolution. He is a mighty Adept of the great Venus Scheme of Evolution, and came thence six and a half million years ago to take charge of the evolution of this Earth, to succeed a predecessor who had taken charge when humanity had been transferred from the Moon Chain to the Earth Chain. Without His fiat, none can be admitted into the Great White Brotherhood, and it is His Star which flashes in assent over the head of the Adept Initiator, as a sign that He accepts the initiate into His Brotherhood. Hindu tradition, which knows or Him, calls Him Sanat Kumara; the " Eternal Virgin-Youth ", for His Body, though physical, is not born of woman, but was made by kriyashatki, or will-power, and it never ages; and He is in appearance not a man but a "Youth or sixteen summers". He is the Will of the Logos incarnate for men, and yet is His mighty Love as vast as the ocean. " Ako znaš ezoteričku simboliku, Venera i Lucifer su sinonimi, Lucifer je još poznat kao Zvjezda Danica. Kralj=Sanat Kumara=Lucifer=Zvjezda Danica. Ista osoba. - -- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iEYEAREKAAYFAkz/tCcACgkQU8G6/NHezOcukwCdH22ncYLvW5Fn3ykLcdEv/2Dt 6CMAnRSm7n2OWxWPw7mZT4l5JNAjXVq7 =kCqK -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- |