Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2010-09-19 09:28:43
Grupe: hr.soc.religija
Tema: Re: NDE dokaz za zagrobni zivot?
Linija: 91
Message-ID: i74e3a$it5$

Hash: SHA512

fraGerrard wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Sep 2010 19:50:22 +0200, fraGerrard wrote:
>> Nedavno sam procitao, iako sada nemogu naci taj clanak, da su znanstvenici
>> moguci NDE ili OBE pripisali elektricnim olujama u mozgu uslijed pada tlaka
>> i promjene u opskrbi secerom i kisikom. 
>> U principu, nesto slicno kako kada ugaseni komp odspojis od struje pa ga
>> ponovno upalis da se kondenzatori isprazne.
> Evo nadjoh ipak na tu temu:
> "We think the near-death experiences could be caused by a surge of
> electrical energy released as the brain runs out of oxygen," said Lakhmir
> Chawla, an intensive care doctor at George Washington University medical
> centre in Washington.
> "As blood flow slows down and oxygen levels fall, the brain cells fire one
> last electrical impulse. It starts in one part of the brain and spreads in
> a cascade and this may give people vivid mental sensations."

Nema te laži i gluposti koju materijalist neće smisliti kako bi odbio

(3)  People born blind can see during an NDE.
Dr. Kenneth Ring and Sharon Cooper completed a two-year study into the
NDEs of the blind. They published their findings in a book entitled
"Mindsight" in which they documented the solid evidence of 31 cases in
which blind people report visually accurate information obtained during
an NDE. Perhaps the best example in his study is that of a forty-five
year old blind woman by the name of Vicki Umipeg. Vicki was born blind,
her optic nerve having been completely destroyed at birth because of an
excess of oxygen she received in the incubator. Yet, she appears to have
been able to see during her NDE. Her story is a particularly clear
instance of how NDEs of the congenitally blind can unfold in precisely
the same way as do those of sighted persons.

(4)  NDEs demonstrate the return of consciousness from death.
An anecdotal example of evidence that a person's consciousness leaves
and returns to their body during an NDE comes from the research of Dr.
Melvin Morse. Olga Gearhardt was a 63 year old woman who underwent a
heart transplant because of a severe virus that attacked her heart
tissue. Her entire family awaited at the hospital during the surgery,
except for her son-in-law, who stayed home. The transplant was a
success, but at exactly 2:15 am, her new heart stopped beating. It took
the frantic transplant team three more hours to revive her. Her family
was only told in the morning that her operation was a success, without
other details. When they called her son-in-law with the good news, he
had his own news to tell. He had already learned about the successful
surgery. At exactly 2:15 am, while he was sleeping, he awoke to see his
Olga, his mother-in-law, at the foot of his bed. She told him not to
worry, that she was going to be alright. She asked him to tell her
daughter (his wife). He wrote down the message, and the time of day and
then fell asleep. Later on at the hospital, Olga regained consciousness.
Her first words were "did you get the message?" She was able to confirm
that she left her body during her near-death experience and was able to
travel to her son-in-law to communicate to him the message. This
anecdotal evidence demonstrates that the near-death experience is a
return to consciousness at the point of death, when the brain is dying.
Dr. Melvin Morse thoroughly researched Olga's testimony and every detail
had objective verification including the scribbled note by the
son-in-law. Such testimonies have been similarly well-documented for
hundreds of years. Fredrick Meyers' classic text entitled "Human
Personality and Its Survival After Death" meticulously documents
hundreds of these kinds of stories.

(9)  Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) have been validated in scientific
In 1968, a paper by Dr. Charles Tart was published entitled
"Psychophysiological Study of Out of the Body Experiences in a Selected
Subject" concerning a woman who successfully read a 5-digit number while
having had an out-of-body experience. This is verifiable evidence of
out-of-body perception and supports veridical perception in NDEs.

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