Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2010-09-17 09:59:26
Grupe: hr.soc.religija,hr.soc.religija.krscanstvo.katolici
Tema: Re: Povijesni kontekst nastanka Biblije
Linija: 60
Message-ID: i6v7pr$asm$

Hash: SHA512

Zli_Zec wrote:
>> U Rusiji poslije WW2 nije nikada vladala glad tolika da od Amera traže 
>> hranu.
>> B. 
> Bojim se da je Sovjetski Savez doslovce *živio* od američke pšenice
> SVIH tih 46 godina, drug :-) NIKAD nisu imali dovoljno,
> nikad nakon fatalne kolektivizacije poljoprivrede 30.-ih godina.
> Provjeri.

Je, zec, kad ti nešto veliš onda je najbolje provjeriti.

"Soviet foreign trade played only a minor role in the Soviet economy. In
1985, for example, exports and imports each accounted for only 4 percent
of the Soviet gross national product. The Soviet Union maintained this
low level because it could draw upon a large energy and raw material
base, and because it historically had pursued a policy of
self-sufficiency." (Wikipedia)

Također i :

The US government has often attempted to regulate commercial interaction
between US grain MNCs (multinational corporations) and the Soviet Union.
The US government tried to prohibit the sale of grain to the Soviet
Union prior to 1971, to swap US grain for Soviet oil in 1975, and to
embargo all grain sales to the Soviets in 1980. Distinctive
characteristics of grain MNCs and grain as a commodity, however, have
made such efforts at national regulation by the US government a
difficult administrative task. These characteristics include the secrecy
surrounding grain trading, the fungibility of grain, the use of
'optional origins' contracts, and the possession of a considerable
number of foreign subsidiaries by the grain MNCs."

Isto tako:

Ukratko, Sovjeti su od sedamdesetih godina na dalje povremeno uvozili
žito iz Amerike, ali podaci pokazuju da su žito uvozili prvenstveno kao
stočnu hranu, zbog nestašice mesa:

Isto tako, budući da je to doba između kubanske krize i vijetnamskog
rata, kad su odnosi sa Sjedinjenim Državama bili zategnuti, jasno je da
sovjeti nisu imali nikakvih problema voditi agresivnu protuameričku
politiku u to doba.

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