Autor: Danijel Turina
Datum: 2010-09-15 01:08:47
Grupe: hr.soc.religija
Tema: Re: zavjera!:
Linija: 62
Message-ID: i6ov9t$t3j$

Hash: SHA512

Zli_Zec wrote:
>> E sad, ne pitaj me gdje je morao biti P-T udar,
> NIGDJE.  _Nije bilo udara_, uzrok izumiranju je bio vulkanizam
> IZ Sibirskih trapova, dovoljno za izumiranje jer je količina
> izbačene lave ogromna.

Čisto da se vidi koliko ovaj nema pojma:

> Impact Event at the Permian-Triassic Boundary: Evidence from
> Extraterrestrial Noble Gases in Fullerenes Luann Becker,1* Robert J.
> Poreda,2 Andrew G. Hunt,2 Theodore E. Bunch,3 Michael Rampino4
> The Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) event, which occurred about 251.4
> million years ago, is marked by the most severe mass extinction in
> the geologic record. Recent studies of some PTB sites indicate that
> the extinctions occurred very abruptly, consistent with a
> catastrophic, possibly extraterrestrial, cause. Fullerenes (C60 to
> C200) from sediments at the PTB contain trapped helium and argon with
> isotope ratios similar to the planetary component of carbonaceous
> chondrites. These data imply that an impact event (asteroidal or
> cometary) accompanied the extinction, as was the case for the
> Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event about 65 million years ago.

Ili, kako taj članak jedan lik na drugom mjestu pojašnjava:

> The iridium concentration at the P-T boundary is much smaller than at
> the K-T boundary. What is worth looking at, however, is an astounding
> concentration of "Bucky Balls". The Bucky Ball or fullerene molecules
> found at the P-T boundary must be extraterrestrial, because of the
> exceptional composition of helium isotopes encapsulated within the
> hollow balls ? nearly exclusively 3He, and not, as usually on earth,
> mainly 4He with only a little 3He. A carbon star is, according to
> Luann Becker, the only place where these gas filled fullerenes could
> have been formed under extreme high temperatures and high gas
> pressure outside our solar system.
> The scientists think that the celestial body that slammed into the
> Earth was about the same size as the Yucatan asteroid, which means
> between 6 and 12 km in diameter. Becker and her team reckon however
> that the two bolides were of different composition.
> It is more difficult to find rocks from the P-T boundary than from
> the K-T boundary (because of the difference in age ? respectively 250
> and 65 million years old), but rocks containing Bucky Balls with gas
> traces have been sampled at different places in Japan, China and
> Hungary.

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