Autor: Danijel Turina Datum: 2010-09-11 09:32:37 Grupe: hr.soc.religija Tema: Re: Harapa civilizacija Linija: 42 Message-ID: i6fbsk$kbb$ |
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Sinisa Knezevic wrote: > "Recent geological investigations has shown that the Sarasvati was once a > very large river (as well as satellite photos of the indus-sarasvati river > basin), but dried up around 1900 B. C. due to tectonic movements. (19) The > Vedas, however speak of the Sarasvati as a very large and flowing river. If > the dating of the Vedic literature is correct, than there is a discrepancy > because the Sarasvati river dried up before the Vedas were supposed to have > been written. Po onome što se meni čini, dakle po "feelingu" za način razmišljanja ljudi kroz različite povijesne epohe, Vede su odraz jako, jako starog razmišljanja, negdje s granice pleistocena i holocena. Kad je to razmišljanje poprimilo oblik konkretnog spisa, to ne znam, ali moj "feeling" govori da su vede nastale u kontekstu nomadske kulture, negdje u stepama središnje Azije, gdje su otvoreni prostor, nebo i vatra predstavljali dominantne elemente duhovnog svijeta tih ljudi. Mislim da su sibirski šamani jedan od ogranaka kulture koja je proizvela vede. > This is an interesting situation. It might seem possible then, > that with other evidence showing that there was no influx of an invading > people, that the Vedas were then written by the people of the Indus Valley. Ne. To je jako popularna teorija među Indijcima, koji je pokušavaju na sve načine dokazati, ali dihotomija vedske i hinduističke teologije predstavlja jak dokaz o invaziji. Oni doslovno imaju dva različita panteona i teološka sustava koji se kroz povijest prepliću. - -- - -- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEAREKAAYFAkyLMJUACgkQU8G6/NHezOcRHQCgkidGllaEM2ht2Y2yZIgL+DGt s+kAniYGGj81G4Is3jSAFdf0Ibd5l2f3 =2LAL -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- |