Autor: Danijel Turina Datum: 2010-09-11 00:08:06 Grupe: hr.soc.religija Tema: Re: Povijesni kontekst nastanka Biblije Linija: 59 Message-ID: i6eapv$rhb$ |
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Danijel Turina wrote: > Petar Bjelčić wrote: >> Ali dobro, ajde ti neobrazovanom idiotu opisi princip interferometrije, >> i kako bi metodom detektirao objekt kraj Mjeseca. > > To bi trebalo biti trivijalno nekom tko je u stanju provaliti NASA-u, > ali evo pa čitaj: > > > (To je rad iz sedamdesetih godina koji se bavi praćenjem NASA-inih sondi > za Mars). Imam nešto još bolje: "The Soviet Union monitored the missions at the Space Transmissions Corps, which was "fully equipped with the latest intelligence-gathering and surveillance equipment". Vasily Mishin ("The Moon Programme That Faltered."), in Spaceflight. 33 (March 1991): 2-3 describes how the Soviet Moon programme lost energy after the Apollo landing. The missions were tracked by radar from several countries on the way to the Moon and back." "The possibility of new lunar exploration missions locating and imaging artifacts of the Apollo program remaining on the Moon's surface has often been raised. This is now being accomplished. A new set of images published by NASA in July 2009, taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission, show lunar landers (including that of Apollo 11) standing on the surface, science experiments and, in one case, astronaut footprints in a line between the Apollo 14 lander and a nearby science experiment. These images are the most effective proof to date to rebut the "landing hoax" theory. The Descent Stage of the Apollo landers and the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP) have been photographed by the 2009 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter camera. Although this probe was indeed launched by NASA, the camera and the interpretation of the images are under the control of an academic group - the LROC Science Operations Center at Arizona State University, along with many other academic groups. After the images shown here were taken, the LRO mission moved into a lower orbit for higher resolution camera work. The Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 sites have since been re-imaged at higher resolution." - -- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEAREKAAYFAkyKrEYACgkQU8G6/NHezOdQgACg0mD3lVkwLLfmgLjZwO7WzEcc eXUAn2gitPajTmJdwzrl2+LeRheeDBqn =ARXG -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- |