Autor: Danijel Turina Datum: 2010-09-10 13:49:35 Grupe: hr.soc.religija Tema: Re: Povijesni kontekst nastanka Biblije Linija: 157 Message-ID: i6d6i2$eu9$ |
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Branimir Maksimovic wrote: > No posto je to bilo u vreme hladnog rata, zavera takve velicine > sigurno bi bila otkrivena od strane Rusa. Inače, što se tiče sovjetske sposobnosti za praćenje takvih stvari, oni su imali ovo: KIK sustav je bio u stanju pratiti i održavati komunikaciju sa sovjetskim lunarnim satelitima i sondama, uključujući lunohod. Pomoću tog sustava su mogli bez ikakvih teškoća pratiti Apollo na putu prema Mjesecu i nazad, vidjeli su ga jednako dobro kao svoje sonde. =========== The KIK tracking system development was authorised by a decree of 3 September 1956. It consisted of the following elements: Telemetry Control System: STK-1 Don STK-2 Neva Indikator T Tral RTS-2 RTS-3 RTS-7 Tracking system: Indikator-D RUP Fakel-D Binokl-D Irtish-D Optical units: KT-50 cine theodolite KT-80 cine-telescope The satellite control system consisted of the aircraft-mission system MRV-2M developed by NII-648 GKRE (NII TP Minobshchemash). The system worked at 35 to 50 MHz with a range of 1500 to 2000 km and could issue 20 discrete commands. The earliest control / tracking stations were: IP-1 Tyuratam IP-2 Makat IP-3 Sary Shagan IP-4 Yeniseik IP-6 Elizovo IP-5 Iskhupi IP-7 Klyuci Assisting in launch tracking were: IP-9 Krasnoye Selo IP-10 Simferopol IP-11 Sartichali IP-12 Kolpashevo IP-13 Ulan-Ude This combination of PVO and ICBM tracking systems made up the network. Trajectory information was fed into the centre for orbital calculations. The centre was staffed by 680 officers and 151 civilian scientists of the Soviet Army in four sections. Lunar and interplanetary programs brought new tracking requirements. IP-14 in Shchelkovo was first upgraded for the lunar program with the Kama-E distance measuring system. IP-41E (Simeyz) and IP-42E (Moscow) later received the same upgrade. NIP-16 at Yevpatoriya was equipped to handle interplanetary probes. The Pluton system sent commands to the probe, while the Saturn system received data. Saturn complexes were built at NIP-3, 4, 14, and 15. This consisted of a 16 m antennae with a 100 million km range. The RS-10-2M antenna was used, plus at NIP-10 the TNA-400. The Pluton Command-Tracking System was installed only at NIP-16. Development of the Tracking and Control System The basis for the modernised system was the draft project for a universal command-tracking complex for military space systems. By 1966 nine systems were operated in the KIK. The control centre had 18 military units with 6,936 staff, including 1,176 officers and 770 employees. Specialisations were created in the second half of the 1960's with the KIS (Command-Tracking Systems). The first system in operation was the Zenit control system. This used the cm-band 'Taiga' radio link (developed by NII-30 GKRE), the Orbital Radio Control Station (RKO) 'Kama E', and the Command-Programming Link 'Podsenzhenik', which used pulse commands in the cm band (developed by NII-10 MSP, Chief Designer M P Petelin). For the smaller DS satellites, redundant tracking systems 'Vympel' and 'Krab' were developed by NII-648 at the beginning of the 1970's. 'Krab' was used for telemetry, but was replaced in 1965 by the 'Post-2D' radio link and 'Korall' tracking stations at both Baikonur and Plesetsk. In 1966 Kub, derived from 'Taiga', and the Baza system were used for control of spacecraft with large programmable memories (250 kb) at geosynchronous altitude. (M I Borisenko Chief Designer). Two new tracking station, NIP-17 Yakutsk, and NIP-18 Vorkuta, were established the same year. They were equipped with KIS Kama, Podzenzhnik, Kub, Krab, and Korall systems. Encrypted radio channels for Podsnezhnik and Kub were introduced in 1967; they were called Veter and Shtorm. NII-885 built the modernised telemetry system RTS-8 using phased impulse techniques, greater tracking accuracy, and a greater period of data download. It was a 56 channel system with an accuracy of measured parameters of 1%. The Tral system used by the first Sputniks was replaced by the RTS-8. Eventually a KIS for interplanetary control was improved during the course of the lunar program from 1966. KIS Saturn was modernised to Saturn-M at NIP-3, 6, 14, 15, 16, and 23. 5-NIIP-MO used complexes Foton, Mezon, and Kreon for sending commanding, receiving telemetry, photography, television, and ranging. NIP-15 was the centre for long-range tracking. Tracking equipment in 1958 consisted of the T3 4 MI MO OKB. The Leningrad Polytechnic Institute developed the Pozul-Kvartz system. Trajectory data was obtained from RTS Binokl-D and Kama-E, which was transmitted to the centre for analysis by telegraphic communications. PUVD was the computing device used at the centre for ballistic tracking and modelling at 4 NII-MO. It was replaced by the UTS 4 from 1968. In 1960 OKB LPI began serious development of a second generation system, Temp, which entered service in 1971. OKB Impuls built the multiple parameter RTS Bufer-1M, which was installed at all NIP's in the 1970's. =========== Ukratko, netko tko zagovara teorije o prijevari: - - nema pojma o fizici - - nema pojma o znanosti i tehnologiji općenito - - nema pojma o konkretnoj tehnologiji koja je bila korištena u to doba - - nema pojma o političkim stvarnostima onog vremena. Ukratko, strašno mi je uopće i zaviriti u um takve osobe, shvatiti njene uvjete mogućnosti, shvatiti koliko netko mora biti glup i koliko mora biti psihički razvaljen da bi mogao razmišljati na takav način. Možda je najstrašnija kombinacija neznanja, krive predodžbe o odnosu vlastitog i tuđeg znanja, i ogromne bahatosti. To su ti te nove generacije, učili su ih da se preseravaju bez pokrića, da je bitno samo biti bahat i bezobrazan i time ćeš sve riješiti. Ali situacija u kojoj lik fanatično iznosi vjerovanje u nešto što je negdje pročitao a uopće se nije potrudio provjeriti je li to točno, i prezentira se ni manje ni više kao *racionalni skeptik*, a to je šlag na torti, e tu mi se smuči. Na takve popizdim otprilike kao Portada na homeopate. - -- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEAREKAAYFAkyKG08ACgkQU8G6/NHezOdtDACeO3EZ5bzrupxYkBb1XoW36p1l lngAnRjYjb1X8tVDfmSqZrJ95n+WyVwD =ahCq -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- |