Autor: Danijel Turina Datum: 2011-11-24 23:04:28 Grupe: hr.soc.religija Tema: Re: Jahve je jahve, ovaj je poput jahve Linija: 55 Message-ID: 201111242204.UTC.jamf1d$1f9$ |
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 On 11/24/2011 10:44 PM, Danijel Turina wrote: > Čisto kao lekcija iz povijesti: > Inače, čisto da se ne misli da je to neki marginalac bez važnosti, to je papa pod kojim je nastala vulgata, to je papa pod kojim je nastao nicejski credo, dakle taj papa je temelj katoličke crkve. Da vidimo što se o njemu kaže u drugim, manje šturim izvorima: "In the Roman Catholic Church of that era, new bishops of Rome were elected by the clergy and the people of the diocese in the presence of the other bishops from the surrounding province, which was the manner customarily used in other dioceses. While this method worked well in a small community of Christians unified by persecution, as the newly privileged Roman congregation grew in size and political power, the acclamation of a new bishop was fraught with division. Rival claimants, as well as a certain class hostility between patrician and plebeian candidates, unsettled some episcopal elections. At the same time, fourth century emperors now expected to confirm each new pope. On the death of Liberius on September 24, 366, one faction supported Ursinus who had served as deacon to Liberius, while the other faction—previously loyal to the Felix II—supported Damasus. The upper class generally supported the election of Damasus, while the deacons and laity supported Ursinus. The two rival popes were thus elected simultaneously, in separate locations, in an atmosphere of rioting. This dissension climaxed with a riot which led to a three-day massacre and to the rare imperial intervention to uphold public order. Damasus prevailed, but only with the support of the Roman prefect. Once he was securely consecrated bishop of Rome, his men attacked Ursinus and his remaining supporters who were seeking refuge in the Liberian Basilica, resulting in a massacre of 137 supporters of Ursinus. Damasus was also accused of murder before a later prefect, but his influential friends secured the personal intervention of the emperor to rescue him from this humiliation. The reputations of both Damasus and the Roman church in general suffered greatly due to these two unseemly incidents. Armed guards were now employed to protect the new representative of the Prince of Peace. Only 12 years later, at a synod in 378, was Ursinus condemned and Damasus exonerated and declared the true pope." To je lik koji je postavio temelje modernoj katoličkoj crkvi, i to se *tako* vidi. - -- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iEYEAREKAAYFAk7Ov2wACgkQU8G6/NHezOfjNQCgq2Cei5JvJNByjgvvLtZ/eAhc gAAAn2B1TE4/Gp4MnSiob7MVzCeMfG/T =/M63 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- |